Everything One Needs To Know About Asthma in Children

Asthma is a chronic illness that affects many children. For several unknown reasons, the incidence of asthma in children is rapidly increasing. While asthma symptoms can begin at any age, most children experience symptoms at the age of five. According to Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading general pediatric doctor in Delhi, asthma, if not well controlled, can cause various issues and complications in children. It can make the child miss their school, or they may even end up in a hospital. Parents can help their children in this condition by seeking the help of a pediatrician and taking proper precautions to manage asthama.

This comprehensive guide will examine asthma in children in greater detail, focusing on its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. 

What is Asthma? 

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects the airways. Air enters and exits the lungs through tubes called airways. For children experiencing asthma, it becomes difficult for air to get into the lungs as the airways swell and become narrow. This makes it hard for them to breathe, which causes wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing. Certain triggers can worsen the symptoms of asthma and can even cause an asthma attack

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Asthma in Children? 

Not every child experiences the same asthma symptoms. Some of the common symptoms of asthma in children include: 

  • Children may experience frequent coughing while playing or laughing. This can also occur when the child wakes up in the morning or even at night. 
  • Rapid breathing or shortness of breath (dyspnea)
  •  Less energy while playing
  • Chest tightness
  • Irritability
  • A whistling sound when the child breathes 
  • Trouble while eating 
  • Feeling extremely tired 

When the child experiences an asthma attack, the symptoms can worsen. However, if the child experiences any of the following warning signs of an asthma attack, they should seek the help of a general pediatrician in Delhi right away: 

  • Excessive coughing 
  • Severe difficulty in breathing 
  • Face or lips turning pale or bluish
  • Difficulty or inability to speak 

What Causes Asthma in Children? 

The exact reason for asthma in children is unknown. However, it usually develops during childhood when the child’s immune system develops. Several factors affect how the child’s lungs develop and how their body fights germs. These include: 

  • Genetics: This includes biological family history, i.e., if any parent has asthma
  • Allergens: Allergens such as dust or tobacco smoke affect a child’s lungs
  • Viral Infections: Respiratory infections such as the common cold can also cause breathing difficulties in children. 

How is Asthma in Children Diagnosed? 

It can sometimes be difficult to diagnose asthma in children, especially if they are too young. Asthma tends to have symptoms similar to those of other childhood conditions. Some children do not have asthma symptoms very often, so it might seem they are having respiratory infections instead. Following are some of the ways to diagnose asthma

  • Physical exam
  • Medical history
  • Chest X-ray 
  • Lung function tests like spirometry check how well the lungs work. However, this will not work for children who are too young. 
  • Allergy skin tests or blood tests if the child has a history of allergies.

How is Asthma Treated in Children? 

If a child has asthma, the expert pediatrician will suggest ways to manage their symptoms. These include:  

  • Quick Relief: Children experiencing breathing difficulties or asthma attacks may require quick-relief medications. The parents should have the medicine, especially an inhaler, and must use it when symptoms appear.  
  • Preventative (Controllers): Many children with asthma also need to take a controller regularly to prevent attacks. If the child is using too many over-the-counter pain relievers or regularly needs oral corticosteroids, like prednisone, for asthma attacks, they could require a controller. However, the medication only needs to be taken if prescribed by the pediatrician.  
  • Nebulizers: Young children who experience difficulties using inhalers could use a nebulizer. A nebulizer converts asthma medication into moist air that is inhaled using a mouthpiece.  

Parents Can Seek Help of a Leading Pediatrician To Manage Child’s Asthma 

If a child is experiencing asthma, parents can seek the help of Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading pediatrician in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice

The expert pediatrician has over five decades of experience and recommends several effective ways to manage the child’s asthma. In addition to asthma, she also manages other chronic conditions in children, such as allergies, obesity, etc. 

She also provides vaccinations for children to prevent infectious diseases, counsels parents, and offers breastfeeding tips to mothers. To consult Dr. Promilla Butani, a renowned pediatrician, visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice today

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7 Reasons Why Every Parent Must Visit a Pediatrician

Pediatricians are doctors who specialise in the care of infants, children, and adolescents from birth to young adulthood. They are responsible for evaluating a child’s growth, well-being, and development. They not only provide medical care for ill children but also offer preventive health services. Apart from this, there are several reasons why parents must consistently visit a pediatrician. Based on the insights shared by Dr. Promilla Butani, a renowned general pediatric doctor in Delhi, here are the 7 main reasons why it is essential to see a pediatrician.

1. General Check of a Newborn Baby
Parents should never ignore the health of their newborn baby. During a general checkup, the pediatrician will ensure that the child meets appropriate developmental milestones. The pediatrician will conduct a thorough examination and look for common health issues that could affect children, such as diabetes or asthma. During these visits, health issues that might affect the child’s health can be diagnosed and treated right in time. 

2. Vaccinations
are injections that keep children immune to certain diseases. They are recommended for children at various stages, from birth to 18 years old. Some of the common vaccinations offered by a pediatrician include chickenpox vaccines, Hepatitis A vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine, tetanus, Influenza vaccine, polio vaccines, measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR). Those looking for a leading pediatrician in Delhi to get their child vaccinated can consider visiting Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice

3. Overall Development
One of the major reasons to take a child to the pediatrician is to monitor their developmental progress. At each visit, the leading child doctor will weigh and measure the child to evaluate their growth and check for any developmental delays. The doctor may also ask questions from parents about their child’s behaviour at home. 

4. Fever
Almost all children will have a fever at some point. But how will a parent know it’s time to consult a pediatrician? Generally, the younger the child, the sooner they should be taken to the doctor. Parents must take their child to a leading pediatrician if they have a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher for more than three days and have other symptoms such as severe headache, ear pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc. 

5. Ear Infections
Small children are more likely to develop ear infections than adults. An ear infection can make a child more irritable and problematic than usual. Symptoms of ear infections usually involve a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, a feeling of pulling and tugging at the ear, insomnia, crying, and more discomfort than usual. If an ear infection is associated with severe ear pain, blood from the ear, pus, or fluid discharge, then the parents must visit a pediatrician in Delhi right away. 

6. Monitoring the Behavioral Changes of a Child
Behavioral issues in children, such as learning difficulties, bedwetting, or discipline issues, are common. Monitoring a child’s behaviour is one of the most crucial reasons for seeing a pediatrician on a frequent basis. A pediatrician can address behavioural issues in children and help parents understand whether or not their children’s behavioural patterns are normal. 

7. Nutritional Advice
Children tend to be picky eaters, making it difficult for parents to ensure that their children are getting the right amount of nutrients. A pediatrician can offer parents nutritional advice so that their children can grow up healthy and strong.

Those looking for a top-notch pediatrician can consider consulting Dr. Promilla Butani at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice. She is also renowned as one of the top 10 child specialists in South Delhi with an experience of almost 50 years. 

She caters to the medical needs of newborns, adolescents, and children. Parents can visit her clinic for general pediatric issues, to get their child vaccinated, breastfeeding tips and many other pediatric services

To consult Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading child specialist, visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

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7 Common Childhood Illnesses and Their Treatments

A survey suggests that children tend to fall sick seven to eight times a year. There could be multiple reasons for this, but primarily, it is associated with an underdeveloped immune system. According to Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading general pediatric doctor in Delhi, children are exposed to many germs when participating in school activities. However, as parents, it is vital to keep a track record of common childhood illnesses and know their effective treatment options and stay vigilant. Having this knowledge can help prevent the spread of the disease. 

Here are the seven common childhood illnesses and treatment recommendations: 

1. Fever
Fever is a common symptom of the body fighting off infections or illnesses. It is defined as an increased temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or greater. Children with a fever may not be active, feel warm or heat in their bodies, and seem less hungry and fussy. 

Treatment: Treatment for fever includes adequate rest, plenty of fluids, and medications recommended by a pediatrician. Parents must seek the help of a pediatric doctor if the body temperature does not subside or the child has repeated fevers. 

2. Stomach Pain
Stomach pain can occur due to indigestion, food poisoning, or an infection. The child could experience symptoms such as diarrhea and constipation along with stomach pain. Eating home-cooked food can help prevent stomach problems. 

Treatment: The child must have plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and have a nutritious diet to alleviate the symptoms. Medications are prescribed depending on the symptoms and the underlying cause. However, if the stomach pain is severe, parents must consult a senior pediatrician in Delhi for a proper treatment plan. 

3. Ear Infections
Another common childhood disease is ear infections. These occur when bacteria infect the space behind the eardrum. These infections can be quite painful for children. Sometimes, pus is inside the middle ear, pressing on the eardrum and causing a lot of discomfort. 

Treatment: Consult with a pediatrician to determine whether pain medication can be given. Alternatively, place a cold compress on the outer area of the ear for 10-20 minutes and use a warm cloth for pain relief. 

4. Asthma
Determining if the child coughs, has asthma, or has other respiratory issues could be challenging. This can sometimes be taken for a regular cold or cough. However, the main symptoms of asthma include frequent coughing, which is worse during a viral infection. Other symptoms include chest congestion or shortness of breath. 

Treatment: Avoid exposing the child to triggers such as smoke or dust mites. If the child is overweight, the symptoms could even worsen. Hence, make sure they maintain a stable weight. Parents can get in touch with a senior pediatrician in Delhi, like Dr. Promilla Butani, for guidance on medications. 

5. Common Cold
A common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract that causes symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, or a bad throat. It can last 7-10 days and resolve on its own. 

Treatment: Rest and proper hydration are important for a faster recovery. The child must also have warm liquids in case of a sore throat. Avoid giving any antibiotics or over-the-counter cold medications unless recommended by a pediatrician. 

6. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
Conjunctivitis refers to inflammation of the eye’s conjunctiva that causes redness or itching. It can be bacterial or allergic in nature. 

Treatment: Top Pediatric Doctors in Delhi recommend antibiotic eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis. However, viral conjunctivitis typically resolves on its own. 

7. Skin Rash (Diaper Rash or Eczema)
Various skin conditions can cause itching, irritation, and redness. Eczema is a chronic skin condition, while diaper rash is a common irritation in the diaper area. 

Treatment: It is important to identify triggers for eczema to avoid flare-ups. The pediatrician will recommend topical creams, ointments, or antifungal creams for diaper rash.

Childhood illnesses can be a cause of severe distress for both parents and children. However, most of these conditions can be managed effectively by staying informed. It is important to monitor the child’s symptoms and seek help from a pediatric doctor when needed. 

Looking for a Renowned Pediatric Doctor in Delhi?
Dr. Promilla Butani
is a top pediatric doctor in Delhi with a vast experience in the field. If your child experiences unusual symptoms, you can contact the expert pediatrician for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

At Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice, parents can get treatments for all general health issues of children as mentioned above as well as the essential vaccination for children. Visit today!

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What are the Common Childhood Allergies, and How to Handle Them?

Children have a weak immune system as compared to adults. Therefore, they are more prone to allergies. Pediatricians believe that any child can develop allergies, but children with a family history of allergies are at a greater risk. If the child is dealing with allergies, they must get all the care they need. Allergies can manifest in different ways, and every child can have a different reaction to each allergen. As a parent, you cannot control everything your child gets exposed to. However, it is important to understand the common childhood allergies and how to manage them to ensure the well-being of your child. Once you identify the symptoms, then you can seek the help of a general pediatrician in South Delhi to ensure your child recovers properly from the allergies

This guide will take a closer look at common childhood allergies and how you can manage them effectively. 

What are Allergies in Children?

Allergies in children occur when their immune systems react to harmful substances known as allergens. Common allergens are dust mites, pet dander, certain foods and insect stings. Symptoms might range from minor (sneezing and itching) to severe (anaphylaxis). The pediatrician will identify the allergens causing the reaction through blood tests

What are the Common Childhood Allergies? 

Understanding the common childhood allergies is an important step for all parents. Here are a few allergies children experience

1. Environmental Allergies: These include allergies to pollen, pet dangler, etc. The symptoms are runny nose, itchy eyes, asthma, sneezing etc.

2. Sensitivity: Sensitivity usually does not involve the immune system. In this case, children face difficulties in digesting a particular substance. The symptoms include gas, bloating, diarrhoea and problems digesting food.

3. Food Allergies: Some children are allergic to certain foods, such as eggs, peanuts, milk, and fish. These allergies can cause symptoms such as vomiting, stomach pain or diarrhoea in children.

4. Allergy-Induced Asthma: Allergy-induced asthma causes inflammation of the airways. The symptoms include coughing, chest tightness, breathing difficulties, and wheezing. Children with seasonal allergies and eczema frequently develop allergy-induced asthma. Allergens such as pet dander or pollen can trigger an asthma attack.

5. Insect Sting Allergies: Stings from wasps or bees can lead to swelling, redness and, in severe situations, anaphylaxis.

If your child experiences any of the symptoms discussed above, you should seek the help of the best pediatrician in Delhi to get them proper treatment. 

How are Childhood Allergies Managed? 

Managing and treating childhood allergies is important for reducing the symptoms and improving the quality of life. From regular checkups, proper medications and educating patients, expert pediatricians recommend some effective treatments depending on the type and severity of allergies:

1. Educating Parents

Educating parents about their child’s allergies is considered a vital step. Pediatricians guide parents about the common triggers and how to manage the symptoms of childhood allergies.

2. Medications

In some allergic reactions, such as itching, sneezing, runny nose, or allergic eyes, medications can help reduce the symptoms in children.

3. Avoidance of Allergies

Identifying the allergen (food, environmental, or insect allergy) may be the most effective strategy to control the triggers. This might involve avoiding allergenic foods for food allergies, utilising an air purifier for environmental allergies, and keeping the windows closed during peak pollen seasons. To prevent insect bites, apply insect repellent cream.

4. Allergy Immunotherapy

For children who are experiencing severe allergies, allergy shots can be given to modify the immune system.

Final Takeaway

Managing childhood allergies in children includes identifying triggers, choosing the right treatment options, and educating the child about their allergies. A pediatrician can develop a customised treatment plan to ensure the safety and well-being of your child. With the right management and treatment, the child with allergies can live healthy lives.

If your child is experiencing any allergies, you can seek help from an expert pediatrician. You can consider consulting Dr. Promilla Butani, who is considered one of the top 10 child specialist in South Delhi. She will create a personalised treatment plan to help manage your child’s allergies effectively. 

The expert pediatrician provides expert care to newborn babies, infants and children and treats problems such as obesity, development concerns, allergies, obesity, etc. 

To consult the top-notch pediatrician, Dr. Promilla Butani, visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

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Everything Parents Need To Know About Measles

Measles, also called rubeola, is considered a contagious viral infection that affects the respiratory system and is very common in children. It is, nonetheless, contracted at any age. Many individuals with measles recover after proper treatment. However, there can be situations when a person may fall severely ill and develop health complications. Vaccination against measles is considered one of the most effective ways to prevent this infection. A pediatrician can play a major role in preventing and managing measles in children. They can also recognize the symptoms and provide appropriate treatment. Therefore, consulting a general pediatrician in South Delhi is highly advised for parents who are looking for guidance on measles prevention and management for their children.

This comprehensive guide will detail measles, its symptoms, and its causes. We will also discuss how to treat this deadly, life-threatening condition.

What is Measles? 

Measles, also called rubeola, is a highly contagious respiratory infection which is caused by a virus. The symptoms of measles start with a fever, cough, runny nose, and sore throat and are followed by a rash that begins from the forehead and spreads all over the body. Serious complications can arise from measles, particularly in young children. Even in healthy children, measles can cause a lot of serious complications such as ear infections, pneumonia, hospitalization and sometimes even death. Moreover, measles can lead to severe complications in pregnant women.

What are the Symptoms of Measles?

When measles begins, you might see the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • A measles rash
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle pain
  • Runny or blocked nose and sneezing
  • Watery eyes and swollen eyelids
  • Greyish white spots in the mouth and pain
  • Loss of appetite

Note: If your child experiences such symptoms, you must seek the help of a pediatrician right away. In that case, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Promilla Butani, the best pediatrician in Delhi at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

What Causes Measles?

Measles is caused by a virus that lives in the mucus of the nose and throat of an infected individual. The virus can spread through direct contact with the saliva or mucus of an infected child, through either sneezing, coughing or contact with contaminated surfaces

  • Measles droplets spread into the air when a person coughs, sneezes, or talks, putting other individuals at risk of breathing them in. The infectious droplets hang in the air for an hour. 
  • It is also possible for the contagious droplets to settle on a surface, where they may thrive and spread for a few hours. 
  • Touching a contaminated surface and then wiping your eyes or putting your fingers in your mouth or nose can spread the measles virus.

How is Measles Treated? 

Measles has no specific treatment. Controlling fever, infection and dehydration are considered the main treatment options. Following are a few measures that are taken to protect individuals who are not vaccinated after they have been exposed to the virus:

  • Post-exposure Vaccination: Individuals having poor immunity to measles or infants can be given a measles vaccine within three days of exposure to the measles virus.
  • Immune Serum Globulin: Adults and infants who are infected with the measles virus can be given an injection of proteins. This is also called immune serum globulin. It prevents the illness and makes the symptoms go away.

Can I Prevent My Child Against Measles? 

  • Ensuring the child receives the MMR vaccine is one way to prevent them from contracting measles.
  • For most children, measles protection is part of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR) or measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine (MMRV). These vaccinations are given to children in two doses: when the kid is 12-15 months old or when they are 4-6 years old. Most people develop immunity to measles following their initial vaccination. Some people become immune after receiving two vaccinations. 

Final Takeaway 

If your child experiences symptoms such as a fine rash of red dots on the head, fever, cough, muscle pain, etc., then you must seek help from a pediatrician right away. You can consult Dr. Promilla Butani, the top pediatrician in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

The expert pediatrician has more than five decades of experience treating diseases in children and provides effective treatment for issues such as asthma, allergies, childhood and adolescent obesity, and all common and uncommon childhood diseases.

To consult Dr. Promilla Butani, a renowned pediatrician, visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

The Crucial Role of Nutrition in Child’s Development

Every parent wants their child to feel confident in their physical and mental abilities and to be in good health. A healthy and successful life is built on the growth and development that occur during childhood. Nutrition is one important element that has a big impact on a child’s development.  Their developing bodies use the nutrients to power their daily activities, learning experiences, and movements. Kids require a healthy ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

This article is written to help parents better understand the importance of nutrition for a child’s development. In our exploration of the topic, we have taken expert insights from Dr. Promilla Butani, a well known general pediatrician in Delhi at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice, who has dedicated her career to the healthy development and care of children.

Prenatal Nutrition

Parents might think that the main foundation of nutrition and a healthy diet for their children’s development starts in the first five years of their lives. But the process starts even before birth because the mother’s diet has a significant influence on the fetus’s development.  Every informed pediatrician emphasizes the significance of a balanced diet for expectant mothers in order to guarantee the provision of vital nutrients like iron, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients support the baby’s healthy growth, brain, and spinal cord development.

Role of Nutrition in Child’s Development

Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading child specialist doctor in Delhi, has shared the following benefits of providing healthy nutrition to children:

  1. Healthy Eating Promotes A Child’s Wellbeing

Healthy fruits, vegetables, and proteins should be a part of a child’s diet to help prevent illness. Children who are deficient in these essential nutrients may feel lethargic and have an increased risk of illness. Therefore, parents should make sure the food their child eats is well-rounded to help their body remain strong against illness.

  1. A Child’s Ability To Grow Is Affected By Their Diet

A child’s body grows at an incredible rate during the early years, particularly the first five years of life. Consuming enough nutritious foods and beverages gives the body the energy and nutrients it needs to grow. The best possible physical and skeletal growth can be achieved with a diet rich in calcium and other vitamins.

  1. A Healthy Diet Promotes Brain Development

Food intake, both in terms of quality and quantity, can influence how your child’s brain develops. Deficient nourishment in the womb and in the early years of life can reduce IQ and cause learning disabilities. The foods that a child consumes may also have an impact on their capacity for focus and socialization. In addition to providing the vitamins and energy required for growth and function, a healthy diet promotes the best possible development of the brain.

  1. The Probability Of A Child Maintaining A Healthy Weight Is Higher

Early nutrition has an impact on a child’s current and future weight because healthy habits are formed during childhood. The World Health Organization states that “maintaining a healthy weight at all stages of life requires eating nutrient-dense foods and balancing energy intake with necessary physical activity.” Being overweight can lead to a number of health issues, such as diabetes, eating disorders, sleep apnea, respiratory issues, and liver issues.

  1. A Child’s Ability To Function Will Improve Throughout The Day

If parents feed the kids a healthy breakfast in the morning, they will have the energy they need to perform well throughout the day. They will have more energy to learn, play, and participate in activities throughout the day if they continue to eat healthy foods rather than sugars, processed foods, and fats.

A child will be more capable of the following if they consume nutritious foods and beverages:

  • Pay attention when engaging in educational activities
  • Remain observant and engaged
  • Continue to have more energy and sleep patterns
  • The child will receive the balanced and well-rounded meals they require for optimal functioning throughout the day if their meals include portions from all of the different areas of nutrients.
  1. A Healthier Life In Adulthood Is Associated With Proper Nutrition During Childhood

A child’s daily activities and development are directly impacted by the food and beverages they consume. They also contribute to general development and growth, which includes the transition to adulthood. For instance, a youngster who develops strong bones will have a strong basis for bone health as they enter adolescence and adulthood.

  1. The Child’s Life Will Be Of Higher Quality

A child will live a better life if you promote and instill excellent nutrition. They are able to engage in life’s activities with greater enjoyment, focus, and health. Children who eat a balanced diet and are in good health will have more energy to explore everything that life has to offer, including learning, playing, growing, and moving.

  1. The Child Will Understand What Is Healthy For Them

Without an adult to mentor them, a child may not always understand what is right and wrong for them. The same holds true for diet. A child will build a foundation of knowledge about nutrition and leading a healthy lifestyle by learning what is and is not good for them. If a child does not receive this guidance, they might not comprehend the significance of selecting a piece of fruit over a bag of potato chips. When parents start educating their children early on, they will learn about good nutrition and form healthy eating habits that will contribute to a longer, healthier life.


A child’s growth and development depend heavily on eating a balanced, nourishing diet. It helps the child develop a solid foundation for maintaining their health and ingraining healthy eating habits from an early age. The three main advantages of early childhood nutrition are that it strengthens the immune system against a range of infectious diseases, promotes healthy brain and other organ development, and enhances a child’s level of activity and cognitive abilities. As a result, providing children with a healthy diet is crucial because it paves the way for them to lead long, balanced lives.

If one is looking for the best pediatrician doctor in Delhi, one may consult with Dr. Promilla Butani. She is a well-experienced pediatrician who specializes in guiding parents on how to raise their children well. To learn more, visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice to consult with her.

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The Crucial Role of Pediatricians in a Child’s Preventive Care

Pediatricians play a crucial role in ensuring the health and well-being of children through implementing preventive care techniques. Pediatricians can treat possible health problems before they worsen by emphasizing early detection and intervention, ultimately improving their young patients’ health by providing long-term results.

In this blog, we will discuss the crucial role of a pediatrician in a child’s care and overall health. To make this post authentic, we have gathered insights from Dr. Promilla Butani, a renowned general pediatrician in Delhi. Continue reading to learn.

What is Children’s Preventive Care?

Children’s preventive care is a wide range of services that are intended to support general health and well-being, with an emphasis on proactive rather than reactive measures. These services include immunizations, screenings, routine examinations, and advice on making healthy lifestyle choices.

Importance of a Pediatrician in Child’s Care

  1. Vaccinations on Time

Pediatricians give children immunizations and preventive care. They support prompt vaccination programs so kids can get the necessary shots to guard against diseases that could be avoided.  Routine health examinations and growth monitoring make early detection of possible health problems possible, enabling prompt intervention and treatment. 

Pediatricians assist in educating parents and other caregivers about the value of immunizations, proper diet, and hygiene. Some important vaccinations may include the polio vaccine, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, varicella (chickenpox) and many more.

  1. Observing the Development and Growth of Children

Conducting routine well-child visits to track a child’s development and growth is imperative. Pediatricians evaluate vital milestones, perform in-depth physical examinations, and respond to any worries parents may have. Pediatricians can provide prompt interventions and avert more serious health complications by identifying possible problems early on. Pediatricians are trained to recognize and steer clear of conditions that affect children. Treatment can be provided quickly when there is an early diagnosis. It produces better results and stops some medical conditions from getting worse.

  1. Handling Chronic Conditions

Long-term, non-communicable diseases that have a negative effect on a person’s quality of life are known as chronic conditions. Asthma and diabetes are two common chronic conditions in children. Pediatricians assist in effectively managing children’s chronic conditions and minimizing their impact on their daily lives through thorough care plans and routine follow-ups. 

  1. Mental Health Support

The field of pediatrics has made significant strides in providing mental support for children in recent years. Pediatricians treat children’s mental health in the same way that they treat their physical health. Physicians use state-of-the-art technology to spot behavioral and emotional problems in children. They help kids stay intelligent and mentally engaged by offering prompt medical attention. 

  1. Suggestions for a Healthful Diet

Some kids avoid eating at all, but many have an overindulgence in food. Pediatricians advise parents and other caregivers on the essential foods to include in their diets. Doctors create safe and healthy diet charts for children based on their Body Mass Index (BMI). Pediatricians also offer advice to parents and other caregivers with different types of food allergies so that they can identify possible food allergies and get medical help right away. If the child refuses to eat or is unable to control their hunger, the parents need to see a pediatrician right away. Treatment delays can lead to serious health issues, such as obesity. 

  1. Teaching Families to Adopt Healthy Practices

Pediatricians are essential in teaching families how to develop healthy habits at home and providing medical care. Whether promoting a healthy diet, frequent exercise, or enough sleep, pediatricians offer advice to help kids stay as healthy and happy as possible.


Pediatricians advocate for children’s health by stressing the value of preventive care. Pediatricians enable families to actively protect their children’s health by offering early detection, immunizations, screenings, and health education. Pediatricians contribute substantially to ensuring that the next generation has a healthier future through commitment and knowledge. 

If one is looking for the top pediatric doctor in Delhi, one may consult with Dr. Promilla Butani. She has unmatched expertise in the field of pediatric care. She is committed to providing compassionate care and is always ready to assist the parents in guiding their child toward optimal health and well-being. If needed, she also performs physical examinations on children, runs certain tests, such as blood tests, and administers individualized treatments to give the best care to the child. Visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

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Rabies Infection: How to Protect Your Child

Kids are innocent. They are the primary target of wild animals; dogs are one of them. A dog, whether a pet or a street dog, can turn a toddler’s life into danger. Biting a non-vaccinated dog leads to Rabies. Rabies is a disease that, most of the time, creates issues when the infected toddler has to compromise with life. To avoid such situations, doctors advise parents to protect their children. But because of their excessively active nature, some kids often become challenging to control. In such cases, how to protect the child from Rabies needs discussion.

Regarding this, we took insights from various child pediatrician renowned for baby vaccination in Delhi. Based on the insights, this article will discuss Rabies, how to protect the child from this disease and whether Rabies is treatable; if yes, then what are the treatments? Hence, going through the post will help not only the parents but also for themselves. 

What is Rabies?

Rabies, usually a disease caused by dog bites, is a virus. This RNA virus is present in the saliva of stray animals belonging to the Rhabdoviridae family—for instance, cats and bats, 

Does Rabies Grow in the Human Body?

Animal bites cause Rabies. The saliva comes into contact with human blood Whenever the animal bites. The RNA virus present in saliva starts moving towards the brain and attacking the nervous system. Signs of Rabies start reflecting within fewer days, weeks or years after the bite.  

Signs & Symptoms of Rabies 

The virus spreading into the human body indicates some signs. These signs and symptoms are as follows-

  • Tingling, prickling, or itchy sensation in the vicinity of the bite
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Hydrophobia
  • Phonophobia
  • Excessive Salivation
  • Stiffness of the Muscles
  • Paralysis 
  • Mental Instability

Some of these signs also indicate flu and other health issues. Hence, medical tests become essential to confirm the spread of RNA viruses in the body. 

Medical Tests for Rabies 

Medical tests for Rabies include the examination of that animal, too. Rabies test for animals called DFA (Direct Fluorescent Antibody). In this test, animal blood samples are checked for antibodies of RNA in the lab. After that, the doctor matches the results with the kid’s sample. If the samples match, the doctor will confirm the Rabies. 

Human tests for Rabies include blood, saliva, spinal fluid, skin biopsy and more. 

Treatment for Rabies

Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for Rabies once the symptoms have started reflecting. But, child doctors state that with the help of baby vaccination, the impact of Rabies will be subsidised. HDCV and PCEC vaccines can help to eliminate the effect of animal bites. But to do so, vaccination immediately after the animal bite will affect only. In addition below, wound healing procedures will also help. Regarding this, one can follow the given below-mentioned procedure on the spot- 

  • Sanitise the animal bite with warm water or betadine
  • Apply an antiseptic lotion to reduce further infection
  • If the wound is severe, then use a clean, dry cloth to stop bleeding
  • Move to the doctor and tell the doctor about the animal bite in detail 

How to Prevent Kids from Rabies/ Animal Bite

Rabies is a life-threatening disease. But with the help of preventive measures, the spread of RNA virus in kids can be stopped. A safe environment is foremost essential. To avoid animal bites in kids, preventive measures for the family members to follow are as follows-

  1.  When a family has a pet –
  • Keep the pets caged or tied.
  • Stop pets roaming around the toddler. 
  • Keep the pet vaccinated
  • Avoid pet’s contact with stray animals
  • Educate the pets and teach them how to behave
  • Never leave pets alone. The the kids
  • Never try to tease the pet, which can trigger the animal’s anger.
  • Could you not keep them hungry?
  1. When the family has no pet-
  • Never leave the kid alone in a place where stray animals are present
  • Supervise the behaviour of kids and stray animal
  • If the two animals are fighting, keep the kid aside and never try to stop that fight.
  • Never try to tease a lost animal, especially when the animal is having non-veg food. 
  • Never show affection and anger against any stray animal
  • If the homeless animals are excessive in your area, then call the municipal corporation of your area. 
  • If possible, make them vaccinated.
  • Try to avoid playing with homeless animals
  • If the kid is a toddler, try to be with him, and whenever an animal comes, keep the child out of their reach. 
  • Keep the toddler vaccinated
  • Whenever a kid goes out, try to cover him fully with good quality clothes. 

What if a Stray Animal Bites the Kid?

Properly clean the wound with soap and water whenever an animal has bitten the toddler.

Traping the animal, if feasible, is crucial so a veterinarian can determine whether it is infected with Rabies. But only try to catch a potentially rabid animal if you have the right tools. Animals that are captured are slaughtered, and their brains are promptly checked for signs of Rabies. Once vaccinated and appearing healthy, pets can be monitored for illness symptoms. Ten days should pass throughout this observation period. Should the animal exhibit symptoms, it must be put down and its brain investigated. 

Right Time to Call the Child Doctor

Get in touch with the child’s pediatrician if an animal bites the child at any time. The doctor should be notified of any animal bites, as they can determine whether Rabies is dangerous from the bite. Until proven otherwise, any bite from a wild animal should be regarded as a potential source of Rabies.

The child specialist may request that the animal be observed under the guidance of a veterinarian if it is a domestic and healthy pet. The animal will only receive vaccinations from the pediatrician if it exhibits symptoms of Rabies.

Child Specialist in South Delhi the heart of India, is a metro city. Pets in the house are standard here. In addition, you can also find stray dogs here. In such cases, the chances of animal bites increase. However, most people keep their pets vaccinated. But, in case of an animal bite, visiting a nearby physician or child doctor is advised. Dr. Promilla Butanis is the Best Child Doctor in Delhi. The doctor is highly experienced, with 51 years of service as a leading pediatrician in the city. Parents can consider her for baby immunisation for other children’s health-related problems. Her practice is at Dr Promilla Butani Peaditric’s Practice in Sarvodya Enclave, New Delhi.

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Gas Issues in Newborns: Symptoms and Home Remedies

Welcoming a newborn into the family is an exciting moment, but the new parents can face certain difficulties, particularly with the baby’s digestion. When a baby has gas, microscopic bubbles form in the intestines or stomach, occasionally resulting in pain and pressure. While many babies with gas do not find it bothersome, some develop restlessness and are unable to fall asleep until their gas has passed, and some cry for several hours.

In this blog, we will explore in detail the symptoms and home remedies to relieve gas from the baby’s stomach. To make this post enriching, we have gathered insights from Dr. Promilla Buatni, a well-known general pediatrician in Delhi. There are several signs that show the child is facing gas-related issues. There are many home remedies that individuals have been using for years to put their children at ease.  Keep reading to learn.

What Are The Signs That A Baby Is Experiencing A Stomach Issue?

The following symptoms and indicators could point to a gastric issue in a baby:

  1. Spitting Up Or Vomiting

Babies frequently spit milk after feedings or during burps because their sphincter muscles, which are ring-shaped muscles in the body that contract and relax to open and close passageways, are weak and immature. Nonetheless, a newborn’s violent vomiting or significant milk spitting after most feedings may indicate stomach issues. Contact the pediatrician immediately if the child is vomiting frequently (especially if it is green-tinged or discolored).

  1. Diarrhoea

Formula-fed newborns frequently have shaped and yellow bowel movements. These may occur once or twice daily, sometimes more. Breastfed babies have soft, seedy, yellow-green bowel movements multiple times a day, sometimes as often as every few hours with feedings. Infants with diarrhea have frequent, watery bowel movements, which can quickly cause severe dehydration and need to be treated right away. 

  1. Hiccups

Babies often experience hiccups, which are usually harmless. On the other hand, babies who have digestive problems might get uncomfortable and bothersome hiccups all the time. They may cry because they frequently experience stomach pain as a result of this. Therefore, if one observes that their baby is hiccupping frequently and appears fussy or uncomfortable, they may have digestive issues that must be attended to.

  1. Colic

A condition known as colic affects some healthy newborns between the ages of three and four months. It causes the baby to cry uncontrollably and continuously for several hours every day, which can be highly upsetting to the parents. It usually starts at three weeks of age, peaks at six weeks, and then gradually gets better over three months.

  1. Reflux

Reflux is a disorder that affects some babies and causes discomfort and irritation when stomach contents flow back into the oesophagus, the tube that connects the mouth and the stomach. When they spit a lot during feedings, this can make them choke. In extreme situations, the infant may vomit and inhale the contents into their lungs when the stomach contents back up into the oesophagus. Your baby may need medical attention if this causes rattling or wheezing sounds in their chest and back.

  1. Abdominal Distension

Newborns frequently experience abdominal distension, which can make their bellies appear bigger after feeding. When they are between feedings, though, their stomachs should feel soft. If the baby has not had a bowel movement in one to two days or if it feels hard, there may be a more serious digestive issue at hand in addition to gas or constipation.

Home Remedies

Simple home cures soothe a newborn and speed up the body’s release of gas bubbles. Some techniques that could help a baby with gas relief include:

  1. Moving Their Legs In A Circle

The infant can be laid flat on their back while the person raises their legs and bends their knees. The baby may be able to release gas that has been trapped by cycling their legs.

  1. Lifting Their Head

Holding the infant upright during burping may help release gas, as can raising their head above their stomach.

  1. Taking A Car Ride

Traveling with the baby can be beneficial if they enjoy car rides. The gentle rocking may ease pain and calm the baby.

  1. Cradling Them Facedown

One way to hold a baby is to place it in one’s arms facedown rather than face up. Ensuring the baby’s face and nose are not covered is crucial while supporting and elevating their head.

  1. Massaging Their Belly

Baby gas can be relieved by gently massaging the stomach. One can apply light pressure in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, guiding the pressure according to the baby’s responses.

  1. Burping Them

One can gently pat or rub the baby’s back to burp them.

  1. Distracting Them

Babies cry more when they have pain due to gas. Some strategies to distract a baby from gas pain are as follows:

  • Humming
  • Dancing
  • Giving toys
  • Utilizing interactive games
  1. Lay Them On Tummy

This involves putting them on their stomachs and allowing them to move. This may release gas that has been trapped. Additionally, it helps them to raise their heads and strengthens the muscles in their upper body.

  1. Giving Gas Drops

Giving simethicone gas drops up to 12 times a day may be safe as long as parents adhere to the recommended dosage on the bottle. 

  1. Probiotic Supplements

Studies indicate that a probiotic supplement could alleviate colic in infants by restoring equilibrium to their gut microbiota. 


Babies can feel uncomfortable if they have gas in their stomachs. Many symptoms indicate that they are in pain due to the gas. Several natural remedies can help with this problem. If natural remedies are ineffective and a baby has severe gas, a parent should see a pediatrician. A pediatrician can reassure parents or other caregivers and assist in figuring out the cause of the baby’s gas. 

If one is looking for the top pediatric doctor in Delhi, one may consult with Dr. Promilla Butani. With almost half a century of experience, she is proficient in a broad spectrum of pediatric healthcare services. To learn more, visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice to consult with her.

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Essential Vaccinations for Children between the Age of 0-5 Years

Every parent fervently guards their children, and immunizing them against diseases is one way to do so. Thanks to advancements in medical science, your child is more protected against diseases than ever. Many diseases that formerly sickened or killed thousands of children have been eradicated, and others are on the verge of going extinct because of reliable and efficient vaccinations.

In this blog, we will guide parents on the importance of vaccination and a schedule of the necessary vaccines that kids under five should get. To make this post authentic with the right knowledge, we have gathered insights from Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading pediatrician specialist in Delhi. She is the founder of Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice. Continue reading to learn.

Importance of Vaccination

  1. Vaccinations Are Incredibly Effective And Safe

Vaccines are not given to children until after a thorough examination by doctors, scientists, and other medical professionals. The discomfort associated with vaccinations, including soreness, redness, or tenderness at the injection site, is insignificant compared to the pain, discomfort, and trauma of the diseases these vaccines are meant to prevent. It is extremely uncommon for vaccinations to cause serious side effects. For nearly all children, the benefits of vaccinations in preventing disease outweigh any potential side effects.

  1. Vaccination Helps in Child Development and Welfare

Injections and syringes may cause a child to prickle for a short while, but they shield them from major health issues. Timely vaccinations can promote healthy growth and general well-being. Immunization lowers the chance of negative health effects, saves time and money, and stops the spread of disease, making it a wise investment.

  1. Vaccinations Can Help Save Money and Time

A child may not be allowed to attend daycare centres or schools if they have a disease that can be prevented by vaccination. Certain diseases that can be prevented by immunization can cause long-term disabilities and incur high costs due to missed work, medical expenses, or long-term disability care.

  1. Immunization Protects Future Generations

Many diseases that killed or seriously crippled people only a few generations ago have been reduced and, in some cases, completely eradicated by vaccinations. For instance, the smallpox vaccine eliminated the illness worldwide. The smallpox vaccine is no longer necessary for your children because the disease has been eradicated. Parents in the future can trust that some diseases of today will not be around to harm their children in the future if we continue vaccinating now and completing vaccination campaigns.

When Is The Best Time To Vaccinate A Child?

The child should receive their initial doses for most vaccines within the first two years. To achieve complete protection, they might require multiple doses of the vaccine. Before starting elementary school, they should take a second dose (about 4 to 6 years of age). The babies can get their childhood vaccinations during their routinely scheduled well-baby checkups.

Vaccination Schedule for Kids Aged 0 to 5 Years

Dr. Promilla Butani, renowned as the best pediatrician in Delhi, has shared the list of important vaccines a child should get by age 5.

  1. Vaccination in First Year
  • BCG: It guards against tuberculosis (TB) and is applied intradermally to the left shoulder.
  • IPV: Injection-based polio vaccine.
  • OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine): While IPV vaccination is the recommended course of action, IPV plus OPV combined will offer superior protection. 
  • DTAP/ DTWP Diphtheria, Tetanus Pertussis (Whooping Cough) – Pertussis: Vaccinations against both acellular and whole-cell pertussis are available. The “aP” vaccine produces fewer side effects, such as fever and injection site pain, than the “wP” vaccine, but both vaccinations are still very effective. On the other hand, children with a history of birth trauma or anoxia, febrile seizures, etc., benefit greatly from “aP.”
  • HIB: Children under five are susceptible to meningitis, ear infections, and blood infections (septicemia) due to Haemophilus influenzae B.
  • Rotavirus Vaccine: This vaccine is administered orally in two or three doses prior to the age of six months to prevent diarrhoea caused by rotavirus.
  • Measles: We can give the baby the German Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine or just the measles when the baby is nine months old.
  • FLU Vaccine: It begins when a child is seven to nine months old. Kids in their first year are given two doses, separated by 4-6 weeks.
  • Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine: It lowers the typhoid risk. This could be repeated in a year or two. There is no need for extra dosages.
  1. Vaccination in 2nd year
  • MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella): Provided at 15 months
  • Chicken Pox or Varicella Vaccine: Provided at 15 months
  • PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE 1st booster: Provided at 15-18 months
  • IPV, DTaP/DTwP/Hib 1st booster: Provided at15-18 months
  • Hepatitis A Vaccine: Provided twice, six months apart, at the beginning of 18 to 19 months.
  • Flu Vaccine: Provided once a year in a single dose.
  1. Vaccination in 3rd and 4th year
  • Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine: The typhoid conjugate vaccine may be administered again after age two. If typhoid vaccination has never been administered before, it can be administered at any age. Two years later, a booster shot can be given.
  • Meningococcal Vaccine: The meningococcal vaccine protects against one of the most serious kinds of meningitis caused by meningococci. It is taken in a single dose, starting at age 2 and continuing through adolescence and early adulthood.
  1. Vaccination in 4 ½ – 5 years
  • MMR
  • DTaP + IPV
  • Chicken Pox Boosters
  • Moreover, any immunizations for catch-up that might not have been given earlier for whatever reason.


Following the childhood vaccination schedule is the most effective method of safeguarding a child against numerous infections and illnesses. Immunizations can shield a child from a wide range of illnesses and ailments. Many of these diseases are easily contagious among kids and can lead to major health issues. Vaccinations are safe and essential to a child’s health and safety. However, it is always advised to consult with a good pediatrician to determine what works best for your child.

New parents are often confused about what vaccine to give their child and when. There is no need to panic. One can always schedule an appointment with a skilled pediatrician to guide them at every point. One can visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice to speak with the top pediatric doctor in Delhi, Dr. Promilla Butani, and learn about vaccines.

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