Everything One Needs To Know About Asthma in Children

Asthma is a chronic illness that affects many children. For several unknown reasons, the incidence of asthma in children is rapidly increasing. While asthma symptoms can begin at any age, most children experience symptoms at the age of five. According to Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading general pediatric doctor in Delhi, asthma, if not well controlled, can cause various issues and complications in children. It can make the child miss their school, or they may even end up in a hospital. Parents can help their children in this condition by seeking the help of a pediatrician and taking proper precautions to manage asthama.

This comprehensive guide will examine asthma in children in greater detail, focusing on its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. 

What is Asthma? 

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects the airways. Air enters and exits the lungs through tubes called airways. For children experiencing asthma, it becomes difficult for air to get into the lungs as the airways swell and become narrow. This makes it hard for them to breathe, which causes wheezing, chest tightness, and coughing. Certain triggers can worsen the symptoms of asthma and can even cause an asthma attack

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Asthma in Children? 

Not every child experiences the same asthma symptoms. Some of the common symptoms of asthma in children include: 

  • Children may experience frequent coughing while playing or laughing. This can also occur when the child wakes up in the morning or even at night. 
  • Rapid breathing or shortness of breath (dyspnea)
  •  Less energy while playing
  • Chest tightness
  • Irritability
  • A whistling sound when the child breathes 
  • Trouble while eating 
  • Feeling extremely tired 

When the child experiences an asthma attack, the symptoms can worsen. However, if the child experiences any of the following warning signs of an asthma attack, they should seek the help of a general pediatrician in Delhi right away: 

  • Excessive coughing 
  • Severe difficulty in breathing 
  • Face or lips turning pale or bluish
  • Difficulty or inability to speak 

What Causes Asthma in Children? 

The exact reason for asthma in children is unknown. However, it usually develops during childhood when the child’s immune system develops. Several factors affect how the child’s lungs develop and how their body fights germs. These include: 

  • Genetics: This includes biological family history, i.e., if any parent has asthma
  • Allergens: Allergens such as dust or tobacco smoke affect a child’s lungs
  • Viral Infections: Respiratory infections such as the common cold can also cause breathing difficulties in children. 

How is Asthma in Children Diagnosed? 

It can sometimes be difficult to diagnose asthma in children, especially if they are too young. Asthma tends to have symptoms similar to those of other childhood conditions. Some children do not have asthma symptoms very often, so it might seem they are having respiratory infections instead. Following are some of the ways to diagnose asthma

  • Physical exam
  • Medical history
  • Chest X-ray 
  • Lung function tests like spirometry check how well the lungs work. However, this will not work for children who are too young. 
  • Allergy skin tests or blood tests if the child has a history of allergies.

How is Asthma Treated in Children? 

If a child has asthma, the expert pediatrician will suggest ways to manage their symptoms. These include:  

  • Quick Relief: Children experiencing breathing difficulties or asthma attacks may require quick-relief medications. The parents should have the medicine, especially an inhaler, and must use it when symptoms appear.  
  • Preventative (Controllers): Many children with asthma also need to take a controller regularly to prevent attacks. If the child is using too many over-the-counter pain relievers or regularly needs oral corticosteroids, like prednisone, for asthma attacks, they could require a controller. However, the medication only needs to be taken if prescribed by the pediatrician.  
  • Nebulizers: Young children who experience difficulties using inhalers could use a nebulizer. A nebulizer converts asthma medication into moist air that is inhaled using a mouthpiece.  

Parents Can Seek Help of a Leading Pediatrician To Manage Child’s Asthma 

If a child is experiencing asthma, parents can seek the help of Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading pediatrician in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice

The expert pediatrician has over five decades of experience and recommends several effective ways to manage the child’s asthma. In addition to asthma, she also manages other chronic conditions in children, such as allergies, obesity, etc. 

She also provides vaccinations for children to prevent infectious diseases, counsels parents, and offers breastfeeding tips to mothers. To consult Dr. Promilla Butani, a renowned pediatrician, visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice today

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7 Common Childhood Illnesses and Their Treatments

A survey suggests that children tend to fall sick seven to eight times a year. There could be multiple reasons for this, but primarily, it is associated with an underdeveloped immune system. According to Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading general pediatric doctor in Delhi, children are exposed to many germs when participating in school activities. However, as parents, it is vital to keep a track record of common childhood illnesses and know their effective treatment options and stay vigilant. Having this knowledge can help prevent the spread of the disease. 

Here are the seven common childhood illnesses and treatment recommendations: 

1. Fever
Fever is a common symptom of the body fighting off infections or illnesses. It is defined as an increased temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or greater. Children with a fever may not be active, feel warm or heat in their bodies, and seem less hungry and fussy. 

Treatment: Treatment for fever includes adequate rest, plenty of fluids, and medications recommended by a pediatrician. Parents must seek the help of a pediatric doctor if the body temperature does not subside or the child has repeated fevers. 

2. Stomach Pain
Stomach pain can occur due to indigestion, food poisoning, or an infection. The child could experience symptoms such as diarrhea and constipation along with stomach pain. Eating home-cooked food can help prevent stomach problems. 

Treatment: The child must have plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and have a nutritious diet to alleviate the symptoms. Medications are prescribed depending on the symptoms and the underlying cause. However, if the stomach pain is severe, parents must consult a senior pediatrician in Delhi for a proper treatment plan. 

3. Ear Infections
Another common childhood disease is ear infections. These occur when bacteria infect the space behind the eardrum. These infections can be quite painful for children. Sometimes, pus is inside the middle ear, pressing on the eardrum and causing a lot of discomfort. 

Treatment: Consult with a pediatrician to determine whether pain medication can be given. Alternatively, place a cold compress on the outer area of the ear for 10-20 minutes and use a warm cloth for pain relief. 

4. Asthma
Determining if the child coughs, has asthma, or has other respiratory issues could be challenging. This can sometimes be taken for a regular cold or cough. However, the main symptoms of asthma include frequent coughing, which is worse during a viral infection. Other symptoms include chest congestion or shortness of breath. 

Treatment: Avoid exposing the child to triggers such as smoke or dust mites. If the child is overweight, the symptoms could even worsen. Hence, make sure they maintain a stable weight. Parents can get in touch with a senior pediatrician in Delhi, like Dr. Promilla Butani, for guidance on medications. 

5. Common Cold
A common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract that causes symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing, or a bad throat. It can last 7-10 days and resolve on its own. 

Treatment: Rest and proper hydration are important for a faster recovery. The child must also have warm liquids in case of a sore throat. Avoid giving any antibiotics or over-the-counter cold medications unless recommended by a pediatrician. 

6. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
Conjunctivitis refers to inflammation of the eye’s conjunctiva that causes redness or itching. It can be bacterial or allergic in nature. 

Treatment: Top Pediatric Doctors in Delhi recommend antibiotic eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis. However, viral conjunctivitis typically resolves on its own. 

7. Skin Rash (Diaper Rash or Eczema)
Various skin conditions can cause itching, irritation, and redness. Eczema is a chronic skin condition, while diaper rash is a common irritation in the diaper area. 

Treatment: It is important to identify triggers for eczema to avoid flare-ups. The pediatrician will recommend topical creams, ointments, or antifungal creams for diaper rash.

Childhood illnesses can be a cause of severe distress for both parents and children. However, most of these conditions can be managed effectively by staying informed. It is important to monitor the child’s symptoms and seek help from a pediatric doctor when needed. 

Looking for a Renowned Pediatric Doctor in Delhi?
Dr. Promilla Butani
is a top pediatric doctor in Delhi with a vast experience in the field. If your child experiences unusual symptoms, you can contact the expert pediatrician for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

At Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice, parents can get treatments for all general health issues of children as mentioned above as well as the essential vaccination for children. Visit today!

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Everything Parents Need To Know About Measles

Measles, also called rubeola, is considered a contagious viral infection that affects the respiratory system and is very common in children. It is, nonetheless, contracted at any age. Many individuals with measles recover after proper treatment. However, there can be situations when a person may fall severely ill and develop health complications. Vaccination against measles is considered one of the most effective ways to prevent this infection. A pediatrician can play a major role in preventing and managing measles in children. They can also recognize the symptoms and provide appropriate treatment. Therefore, consulting a general pediatrician in South Delhi is highly advised for parents who are looking for guidance on measles prevention and management for their children.

This comprehensive guide will detail measles, its symptoms, and its causes. We will also discuss how to treat this deadly, life-threatening condition.

What is Measles? 

Measles, also called rubeola, is a highly contagious respiratory infection which is caused by a virus. The symptoms of measles start with a fever, cough, runny nose, and sore throat and are followed by a rash that begins from the forehead and spreads all over the body. Serious complications can arise from measles, particularly in young children. Even in healthy children, measles can cause a lot of serious complications such as ear infections, pneumonia, hospitalization and sometimes even death. Moreover, measles can lead to severe complications in pregnant women.

What are the Symptoms of Measles?

When measles begins, you might see the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • A measles rash
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle pain
  • Runny or blocked nose and sneezing
  • Watery eyes and swollen eyelids
  • Greyish white spots in the mouth and pain
  • Loss of appetite

Note: If your child experiences such symptoms, you must seek the help of a pediatrician right away. In that case, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Promilla Butani, the best pediatrician in Delhi at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

What Causes Measles?

Measles is caused by a virus that lives in the mucus of the nose and throat of an infected individual. The virus can spread through direct contact with the saliva or mucus of an infected child, through either sneezing, coughing or contact with contaminated surfaces

  • Measles droplets spread into the air when a person coughs, sneezes, or talks, putting other individuals at risk of breathing them in. The infectious droplets hang in the air for an hour. 
  • It is also possible for the contagious droplets to settle on a surface, where they may thrive and spread for a few hours. 
  • Touching a contaminated surface and then wiping your eyes or putting your fingers in your mouth or nose can spread the measles virus.

How is Measles Treated? 

Measles has no specific treatment. Controlling fever, infection and dehydration are considered the main treatment options. Following are a few measures that are taken to protect individuals who are not vaccinated after they have been exposed to the virus:

  • Post-exposure Vaccination: Individuals having poor immunity to measles or infants can be given a measles vaccine within three days of exposure to the measles virus.
  • Immune Serum Globulin: Adults and infants who are infected with the measles virus can be given an injection of proteins. This is also called immune serum globulin. It prevents the illness and makes the symptoms go away.

Can I Prevent My Child Against Measles? 

  • Ensuring the child receives the MMR vaccine is one way to prevent them from contracting measles.
  • For most children, measles protection is part of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR) or measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine (MMRV). These vaccinations are given to children in two doses: when the kid is 12-15 months old or when they are 4-6 years old. Most people develop immunity to measles following their initial vaccination. Some people become immune after receiving two vaccinations. 

Final Takeaway 

If your child experiences symptoms such as a fine rash of red dots on the head, fever, cough, muscle pain, etc., then you must seek help from a pediatrician right away. You can consult Dr. Promilla Butani, the top pediatrician in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

The expert pediatrician has more than five decades of experience treating diseases in children and provides effective treatment for issues such as asthma, allergies, childhood and adolescent obesity, and all common and uncommon childhood diseases.

To consult Dr. Promilla Butani, a renowned pediatrician, visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

Can A Child With Conjunctivitis Go To School?

Conjunctivitis is commonly identified as an eye infection, especially for children under the age group of five. This infection is basically an inflammation (redness and swelling) of the conjunctiva, a clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye and the insides of the eyelids. In some cases, conjunctivitis is called ‘pink eye’ because the eye appears pink or red. 

If your child is affected with conjunctivitis, you may have a million thoughts in your mind, including what is the treatment for this infection and whether your child with conjunctivitis can go to school or not. It is normal to get worried and have doubts in this condition, but now you don’t have to feel stressed anymore. To solve all your queries, we have come up with this blog after having a conversation with Dr. Promilla Butani, one of the Top 10 Child Specialist in South Delhi. Here, we will discuss in detail about conjunctivitis and whether your child can go to school or not after getting affected by it. So, let’s start exploring. 

What Causes Conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis can be a result of a highly contagious infection (either a virus or bacteria). Your child can get conjunctivitis infection if they come into contact with:

  • Contaminated fingers or objects 
  • Contaminated water or contaminated towels at the time of swimming
  • The discharge from the nose, throat, or eyes of an infected person through touch, coughing, or sneezing. 
  • A person with infectious conjunctivitis will be infectious as long as there is a discharge from their eye. 

If your child gets diagnosed with conjunctivitis, do not allow them to share eye drops, make-up, tissues, towels, or pillowcases with other people. Take extra care in this condition, and consult a child specialist. If you can detect any signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis in them, they can recover as soon as possible. 

Signs & Symptoms Of Conjunctivitis 

If your child has conjunctivitis, they may show these changes: 

  • Red or pink eye
  • Excessive tears 
  • Swelling of the eye
  • Swelling of the eyelids makes them appear fluffy 
  • Itchiness of the eyes and eye-rubbing
  • Photophobia (a sensitivity to bright light) 
  • A yellow-green discharge from the eye dries when the child sleeps, leading to the casting formation around the eyelids. 

These symptoms usually show within 24 to 72 hours of getting infected and can eventually last from two days to three weeks. 

Conjunctivitis Can Also Be Caused Due To Allergy?

Conjunctivitis can also be the result of an allergic reaction. However, allergic conjunctivitis is not known to be contagious. Children with a history of other allergies are more likely to get affected by this infection. Your child may show other signs of hay fever if their conjunctivitis is a result of an allergy. 

Common signs of Conjunctivitis resulted due to allergy are: 

  • Itchy or runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy and watery eyes
  • Children rubbing their eyes a lot

Can The Conjunctivitis Infection Be Treated At Home?

If the condition is in the initial stage and the symptoms are mild, the eyes can be cleaned gently with cotton balls soaked in warm water to help your child feel better. 

Tips To Follow 

  • Clean only in one direction, outwards from the nose-side of the eye. With this method, the other eye can be prevented from becoming infected. 
  • Discard the cotton each time after using it to avoid contamination.
  • Try to avoid cleaning inside the eyelids. It may damage your child’s conjunctiva. While lubricating the eye with eye drops such as ‘artificial tears’ may give some relief.
  • Antihistamines can help for sore, inflamed, and itchy eyes resulting from conjunctivitis. Make sure you speak to your doctor or pharmacist before using antihistamines for your child. 
  • You may also have heard the rumour that breastmilk can be used on a baby’s eyes if they appear to be gunky or sticky. Breastmilk does not treat conjunctivitis, and there is no benefit too to using breastmilk on your baby’s eyes, nor is there harm to use. Still, it would be better if you avoid using it. 

When To See A Child Specialist?

Make sure you monitor your child’s condition regularly. If your child’s conjunctivitis isn’t getting better even after two days of any of the below-listed conditions, then you can consult Dr. Promilla Butani. She is acknowledged as the best child doctor in Delhi. 

  • Severe pain 
  • Unwell and has a fever 
  • Problems with vision and eye-sight 
  • Increased swelling, redness, tenderness in the eyelids and around the eyes
  • A persistent white spot appears in the cornea (clear window at the front of the eye).

What Are Do’s And Don’ts To Stop Infectious Conjunctivitis From Spreading?


  • Make sure your kid washes their hands regularly with warm, soapy water 
  • Cover your kid’s mouth and nose when sneezing, and throw used and dirty tissues in the bin 
  • Wash your pillowcases and facecloths in hot water and detergent 


  • Avoid sharing used towels and pillows with your kid
  • Don’t let your kid rub the eyes 

Can Your Child With Conjunctivitis Go To School?

If you are thinking about whether you should send your child with conjunctivitis to school or not, then you should refrain from doing so because: 

  • A child with contagious pink eyes can spread the infection to others until the redness and discharge from the eyes are completely gone. 
  • Conjunctivitis can be an allergic response, or it can be found to be infectious, it is highly contagious. 
  • Children with infectious conjunctivitis are advised to be kept home from school, kindergarten, or childcare. 

Final Words 

Conjunctivitis is a contagious infection and can be spread if your child is infected by it. However, it would be best if you could consult one of the top 10 child specialist in Delhi. With their guidance, you can determine if your kid got conjunctivitis due to infection or due to an allergic condition. Both demand to be treated in different ways. 

If your child is showing severe symptoms of conjunctivitis, consult Dr. Promilla Butani at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice. With almost five decades of experience and having looked after more than two generations of children, Dr. Promilla Bhutani is an expert in her field. To book your appointment and consult with her, you can visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice today!

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Seven Winter Foods to Keep Children Warm and Immune

The cold season frequently brings with it an increase in the occurrence of flu and other respiratory infections, primarily due to weak immunity. In addition to dressing warmly, eating the right food can make a big difference. They require a diet rich in winter foods to help them fight off infections and allergies. In order to stay warm, keep in mind that our bodies require more energy when the outside temperature drops. Therefore, make sure to feed your kids a lot of filling meals that include some healthy wintertime foods to help them stay energetic and prevent colds.

In this blog, we have listed seven winter foods that can help your child stay warm and healthy. To make this post knowledgeable and authentic, we have gathered insights from a renowned child specialist in Delhi, Dr. Promilla Butani. Let’s continue reading to explore the must-have winter foods.

  1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits, which include grapefruits, oranges, and lemons, are rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful immune system enhancer. White blood cells are essential for warding off infections, and vitamin C aids in their production. Not only are citrus fruits delicious, but they are also simple to feed your kids. You can use them in salad dressings, homemade fruit juices, citrus-ginger immunity shots, and fresh slice servings.

  1. Yogurt

Probiotics are good bacteria that support healthy gut flora, and yogurt is a great source of them. Immune system strength is directly correlated with the health of the gut microbiome. It aids in the child’s body’s effective absorption of vital nutrients and defense against dangerous infections. For the greatest benefits, make sure to select plain, unsweetened yogurt that has live, active cultures. When serving yogurt to kids, try to avoid serving it cold or straight from the refrigerator, as this could contribute to a cold and subsequent cough problem.

  1. Berries

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and other berries are high in vitamins and antioxidants that can strengthen your child’s immune system. A bonus is that during the chilly winter months, there are plenty of berries available in the market. Vitamin C and vitamin A are two of the vital vitamins and minerals found in berries that are important for general health. Try eating them as a fruit salad on their own or by adding them to cereal, yoghurt, or oatmeal.

  1. Leafy greens

Broccoli, kale, and spinach are examples of leafy greens that are rich in folate, vitamin C, and other vital vitamins and minerals. Additionally, they contain a lot of fiber, which promotes a healthy digestive system. To make these greens more kid-friendly, you can add them to stir-fries, stews, and soups. Your children will get the best nutrition possible but will not even notice the vegetables when you sneak a few leafy greens into their favorite pasta dish or morning smoothie.

  1. Ginger

Ginger is a great option for increasing immunity because of its well-known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. It can lessen inflammatory responses in the body and ease sore throats. Ginger tea can be prepared by steeping fresh ginger slices in hot water that has been slightly sweetened with honey. Ginger can also be added to baked goods, stir-fries, and soups. Shots of ginger and turmeric, although a little taste-off-putting, are also a great way to boost your child’s immunity and your own.

  1. Dry fruits

Since cashews and dates are high in calcium, magnesium, iron, and fiber and a great way to keep your kids active and healthy, you can sneak them in as snacks. Also, your kids might find it difficult to say no when you spread peanut butter on bread or chapati for breakfast. 

  1. Vitamin D supplements

Since we spend less time in the sun during the winter, vitamin D supplements are a great way to strengthen and safeguard our immune systems. Nevertheless, since every child is different, it is best to speak with a healthcare provider to figure out the right dosage for them. If one stays in the NCR, one can consult with Dr. Promilla Butani, well-known as a top child specialist in Delhi.

In winter, our body’s natural defenses can be weakened by exposure to cold air, leaving the body more vulnerable to disease. During this time, it is important to boost your child’s immunity, and strengthening the body’s defenses can be achieved by including foods and supplements that boost immunity. If one is looking for personalized consultation and guidance and is looking for the top pediatrician in Delhi, one may consult with Dr. Promilla Butani. With almost half a century of experience, she is proficient in a broad spectrum of pediatric medical services. To consult her pay a visit to Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

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How to Deal With a Bloated Baby Belly?

Dealing with a bloated baby belly can be difficult, especially if one is a new parent. Parents must be aware of how much newborn babies cry because of a bloated belly. Seeing the child cry out loud gives pain to the parents as well. However, it is the parent’s job to relieve the bloated baby’s belly. But how to deal with this? Are there ways to avoid a gassy baby in the first place? We have got that covered in this comprehensive post.

This blog post will discuss ways to relieve and prevent a bloated baby belly or when the baby’s stomach is hard. To draft the post, we took some help from Dr. Promilla Butani. She comes among the top 10 child specialist in South Delhi and looks after the health of infants, adolescents and children at her clinic, Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice. Let’s learn some effective tips for dealing with a bloated baby belly.

How to Deal With a Gassy Baby?

If a baby’s stomach is hard, it is usually considered to be normal. Although it goes on its own, it causes much discomfort to the child and intensifies crying. Here are some ways that can provide some relief to a gassy baby:

1. Change Position to Relieve Gas

Some positions are considered effective, especially when relieving stomach pain due to trapped gas. One way is by making the baby sit upright and hold the baby against the chest. When the baby’s chin is on the shoulders, support them with the hands and gently tap them on the back. Many parents believe that it is one of the most effective ways to burp a baby. Just make sure to be as gentle and patient as possible.

2. Change the Equipment

There can be instances when the wrong equipment can make the baby gassy. For example, if a parent bottle feeds the baby, they should try to use a different bottle. Also, ensure the milk flows slowly so the baby gets enough time to gulp. If not, then the baby will overeat, and their stomach will become bloated.

3. Burp the Baby Frequently

There is no best way to burp the baby. Do what works for you. However, it is advised to burp the baby after breastfeeding and when they are done eating. Many parents make the mistake of burping the baby while breastfeeding. Avoid doing this and wait for the baby to take a break instead. If a parent does not do this, they may become upset and start crying. Thus, they will likely swallow excessive air in the process. Giving a light massage can also help with gas relief.

4. Be Careful of the Baby’s Diet

Some foods can upset the stomach. However, before changing a baby’s diet, consult a skilled baby pediatrician. A baby can also become bloated from various foods, so it is essential to stay mindful of what a child is eating.

For more tips on burping the baby, get in touch with Dr. Promilla Butani, the best child doctor in Delhi at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

Now you must be wondering which are those foods that make the breastfed baby gassy. Continue reading!

What All Foods Make a Breastfed Baby Gassy? 

As discussed above, avoid consuming the following food if breastfeeding a baby:

  • High-fiber foods like oats
  • Pear, peaches and plums
  • Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons
  • Green vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and asparagus
  • Dairy products 

When Should a Parent Consult a Doctor?

If a baby’s stomach is bloated, do not worry. This is a common problem and most likely goes away on its own. However, in some situations, one might be dealing with severe digestive tract problems that cause gas. If the infant shows any of the symptoms below, reach out to a child doctor right away:

  • They get fussy and are not able to stay calm.
  • They are vomiting 
  • If there is blood in the stool.
  • They have high fever.
  • Babies younger than three months with a fever should be taken to the doctor immediately.

Note: In rare situations, the child could have serious digestive issues. It is best to consult a child’s doctor if something serious occurs.

Final Takeaway

To sum it up, we have discussed effective tips to help parents deal with a bloated baby belly. Parents must seek medical attention immediately if these tips do not work in calming the baby. To do this, one can contact Dr. Promilla Butani, one of the top 10 child specialists in Delhi with experience spanning over five decades. She is the founder of a parent-friendly clinic, Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice, who looks after children’s health, offers disease treatment, gives breastfeeding tips to mothers, provides counseling to adolescents, etc.

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How Pediatricians Can Help You Raise Healthy Kids

Your toddler’s health is one of your major concerns. If your kid is frequently facing health issues like cold, fever, tiredness and unable to focus on study or anything else then this blog is for you. 

In this blog we will discuss the causes rooted in kids’ weak immunity and how a child doctor plays a vital role in boosting it. Meanwhile, insights taken from Dr. Promilla Butani, a senior general pediatrician in South Delhi has made this content trustworthy to consider.  

An Overview of Kids Health and their Weak Immunity

When kids take birth, they are vulnerable. They have zero immunity to survive in an environment outside the mother’s womb. Therefore these toddlers remain covered most of the time. During this phase mother’s milk provides them strength to grow. Rest of the work toddler’s overall growth including physical and mental health is done by nutritional food.

But in today’s toxic environment kids with healthy diets are also facing various health issues. Some of them include cold, fever, leg deformity, eye flu, measles, etc. These all are very common but unavoidable diseases especially in the case of kids. Such medical and physical conditions and side-effects of their medications affect the overall growth of kids. To avoid such circumstances, a pediatrician comes into the role.

Role of a Pediatrician ito Raising a Health Child

A pediatrician plays a vital role in raising a healthy kid. Some of the job responsibility of a child doctor are as given below:

  1. Baby Immunisation  

Immunisation is the top-most job of a peditrician. A peditrician takes care of the toddler’s health from the time of its birth. To support the kid’s health growth, the child doctor schedules immunisation of the newborn through baby vaccines. These vaccines includes the immunity booster injections of:

  • BCG-Hepatitis-1 B (At the time of birth).
  • Hepatitis-1 (within 4-6 weeks after the child’s birth).
  • IPV1 DTaP and PNEUMOCOCCAL Vaccine (within 6-8 weeks).
  • IPV2 DTaP+ Hib2 vaccine (within 10-12 weeks).
  • Vaccines of Measles, Rotavirus, Thyroid Conjunctive vaccine.

These vaccines are one kind of antidote to kids disease and timely vaccination prevents the child from such diseases. 

  1. Child Health

A newborn can not take the solid diet as the adults do. The pediatrician helps parents to guide on managing the toddler’s diets and ways to bring the newborn on a solid food diet. Moreover, child specialist guides on nutritional properties and baby hygienes.

  1.  New Born Clinic

Couples who become first time parents need guidance on how to take care of the infant. Regarding this, a pediatrician especially Dr. Promilla Butani, one of the top 10 child specialists in Delhi helps such parents by providing adequate knowledge and New Born Clinic including child care.

  1. Physical Activity and Outdoor Sports

It is essential to encourage children to engage in outdoor recreation and physical activity. A child specialist suggests consistently engaging in physical activity to promote both physical and mental health. Engaging in outdoor play, sports, and dance are all excellent methods to get your children moving at a healthy age. Reduce their screen time and provide them with ample opportunities to engage in outdoor play. Consistent exercise yields a multitude of advantages, encompassing muscle development, enhanced memory and focus, and improved social and cognitive aptitudes.

  1. Adequate Rest and Consistent Sleep Routine

Children require sufficient sleep to continue developing and remaining healthy. To ensure that your infant should get sufficient rest. A general pediatrician emphasises the significance of instituting a consistent bedtime routine. An individual who is adequately rested exhibits enhanced emotional regulation, memory retention, and resistance to illness. Incorporate a warm bath or perusing a book into their evening regimen as means of unwinding and preparing themselves for sleep. Limit your screen time before bed, as it may disrupt your sleep cycle.

  1. With Regard to Emotional and Mental Health

In the context of infant rearing, mental health holds equivalent significance to physical health. A general peditrician emphasises the importance of creating a secure environment that encourages children to freely articulate their thoughts and feelings. Encourage them to divulge their thoughts and assert that their emotions are legitimate. Become vigilant regarding any indications of anxiety or tension, and seek the assistance of a qualified professional if you perceive the need. Provide individuals with the means to confront challenging circumstances and foster the development of an optimistic outlook.


While raising a child, a kid’s health is one of the unavoidable factors. This is because, kid is vulnerable and can be attacked by germs and contagious diseases easily. As a result, parents need to take care of their toddler’s health. Regarding this, they can take assistance from a child specialist who can provide guidance on baby immunisations, kid’s physical and outdoor activities, their nourishment etc.  To do so, parents can visit Dr. Promilla Butani. She is the Best Pediatrician in Delhi. With almost five decades of experience the expert doctor provides child care services including baby vaccination, new born clinic, guide to parents regarding raising a healthy toddler. To avail of the benefits, visit at Dr. Promilla’s Butani’s Pediatrics Practice now!

Tips to Take Care of a Newborn: A Guide for Parents

Parenthood is the beginning of a new adventure. In this beautiful journey, while parenting and raising a newborn child, parents will also learn more about themselves than they ever thought they would. You will experience limitless love, and you will be put to the test in some intensely emotional situations. You might experience a wide range of emotions during the newborn stage. Undoubtedly, raising a newborn is a difficult job. Since your baby will not come with a parenting manual, we have put together some useful advice to help you settle into your new role as a parent.

In this blog, we will guide the new parents with tips on how to care for their child, including how to handle the newborn baby, how to bathe them, feed them, and more. To make this post enriching, we have gathered information from Dr. Promilla Butani, a well-known baby pediatrician in Delhi. Keep reading to learn these amazing tips and make your parenting easy!

Tips to Handle the Baby

Newborns are very fragile. Here are a few basics for parents to remember:

  1. Prior to touching your infant, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. Newborns are susceptible to infections because they do not yet have a robust immune system. Also, ensure that all those who come into contact with your baby have clean hands.
  1. Support the head and neck of your infant. When placing your infant down or carrying them upright, support their head.
  1. Do not ever shake your child. Shaking can cause bleeding in the brain. Do not shake your baby to wake them up. Instead, gently blow on a baby’s cheek or tickle their feet.
  1. Do not play rough with newborns by throwing them in the air or jiggling them on your knee.

Bathing Tips for a Newborn Baby

Sponge baths a baby in their initial phase. This can be accomplished by gently washing your baby’s head, body, and diaper area with a cloth or sponge dipped into warm water. Until your baby’s umbilical cord falls off on its own, giving them a sponge bath is the safest option.

Tips to Feed the Baby

You might be wondering how often to feed your newborn. It is generally advised to feed babies on demand or whenever they appear hungry. When your baby is hungry, they may cry, put their fingers in their mouths, or make sucking noises. A newborn must be fed every two to three hours. 

If a breastfed baby appears content, poops multiple times a day, has about six wet diapers, sleeps well, or consistently gains weight, then they are most likely getting enough to eat. Another effective method for determining whether a breastfed baby is getting milk is to determine if your breasts feel full before feeding and less full after feeding. During feedings, babies frequently swallow air, which can make them fussy. Always burp your baby to help prevent this.

Tips to Give Baby a Good Sleep

Newborns sleep for up to sixteen hours every night. Usually, they sleep for two to four hours at a time. When they are three months old, most babies sleep through the night (for six to eight hours), but if yours doesn’t, it is not a reason to worry. Babies experience their own sleep cycles and patterns just like adults do.

Babies safe sleeping practices include:

  1. Avoid putting bumpers, stuffed animals, blankets, quilts, sheepskins, pillows, or other items in the crib or bassinet as they can suffocate a baby.
  1. From night to night, move your baby’s head in different directions (right, left, and so on). By doing this, one side of the head is kept from becoming flattened.

Tips to Care for the Umbilical Cord and Circumcision Area

  1. Umbilical Cord Care

It usually takes ten days to three weeks for the cord stump to dry up and fall off after you clean the area around it with plain water and blot dry. As the area heals and the stump falls off, avoid letting the area around the belly button soak in water. The cord stump will naturally turn from yellow to brown or black before falling off. If there is discharge, a bad odor, or the area appears red, give your doctor a call. 

Tips to Tackle Newborn’s Fever

Particularly in a newborn, fever can indicate a serious medical condition. If your baby’s rectal temperature reaches 100.4 F (or 101 F if they are three months old or older), call a pediatrician. Regardless of your baby’s temperature, keep an eye out for additional symptoms of illness. If your baby is acting strangely, not eating or drinking, or appears to be in pain, get in touch with a medical professional. 

When to Get a Pediatrician’s Help

When a newborn has a fever, it is a good idea to have them checked out by a doctor. Dr. Promilla Butani, the best child specialist in Delhi, suggests the following signs and symptoms in infants that should be taken seriously:

Baby Pediatrician in Delhi, Best Child Specialist in Delhi, best child specialist doctor in delhi,Best Pediatrician Doctor in Delhi,Pediatrician in Delhi,Pediatrician Specialists in Delhi,
  1. Demonstrates alterations in their eating habits, such as a refusal to breastfeed
  2. Has a lot of mucus or watery stools
  3. Is drowsy, unresponsive, or sleepy all the time
  4. Is excessively agitated and weeps for longer periods of time than usual
  5. Has a rash that is red or swollen anywhere on their body
  6. Has swelling or redness at the base of their umbilical cord
  7. Shows signs of constipation, such as straining or discomfort when moving their bowels
  8. Has a bloated belly or throws up (rather than spitting)


Having a newborn baby is challenging and tiring for parents. Hope these tips will help the new parents take care of their child and they will cherish these moments with the baby instead of worrying about every little thing. For better guidance and in emergencies, it is always advisable for the parents to stay in touch with a pediatrician. 

If one is looking for the best child specialist doctor in Delhi, they may consult with Dr. Promilla Butani, a well known pediatrician. She has nearly fifty years of experience and is an expert in a wide range of pediatric healthcare services.

6 Signs You Need a Pediatrician

 Parents, guardians, or caretakers of children often are unsure when to call for a pediatrician to see their children. None of them would like to take pains to visit a doctor when there is no need for it and the child can recover at home. But sometimes avoiding doctor visits can lead to major repercussions. If you want to know when it is important to give kids medical attention to a child health specialist, you have come to the right post. 

Dr. Promila Butani, the Best Pediatrician Doctor in Delhi has shared crucial information that has helped make this post. We have compiled a list of 6 signs that indicate you need to contact a pediatric doctor at a child healthcare facility. Keep reading to get answers to frequently asked questions regarding the signs a child needs to see a pediatrician. 

Signs To Get Your Child Consulted by a Pediatrician

1. High Body Temperature

Having a fever is a good indication that the child’s immune system is responding well to protect the child’s body from infections or any serious illnesses. Many parents or guardians are very quick to conclude that having a fever means a visit to a doctor. That’s not always true. Fever is not always a serious symptom or an emergency indicating the need to visit a doctor, except when the child is under 2 months old. 

Although fever can be alarming, a low-grade fever that lasts for a day may not necessitate medical attention by a pediatrician. Pediatricians recommend that a child must be attended by a pediatric doctor if he/she is younger than 12 weeks and has a temperature of 100.4°F or a child of any age has a persistent fever going higher than 104°F.

2. Breathing Issues

A child must be soon shown to a pediatrician if wheezing, having unexplained cough and cold, or any other non-serious breathing issues. Prompt medical attention from a pediatrician is necessary if the child is experiencing shortness of breath, labored breathing, persistent cough, coughing up blood, or other serious breathing issues. 

3. Intense Abdominal Pain

Most pediatric patients that are seen in a child healthcare center suffer from digestive issues. This does not mean that visiting a pediatrician is necessary for every stomach problem.   

Children commonly complain of stomach aches because of poor eating habits, stomach worms, anxiety or stress, and/or not going to the washroom as and when required. It is not always easy for parents to identify which stomach ache of their children warrants a visit to a pediatrician and which does not or which needs immediate medical attention. Having severe pain in the abdomen may be a sign of a serious underlying illness, especially if the pain or discomfort is localized. The child’s complaint of experiencing an overall achy feeling in the tummy is nothing much to worry about than having intense pain in a specific abdominal site.      

4. Severe Diarrhea or Vomiting

If a child is feeling unwell, the last thing to look out for is the child’s bathroom habits. It is important to keep a check on whether the child is constipated or having diarrhea. Vomiting is an indicator of an upset stomach. Mild diarrhea and vomiting are usually nothing to be worried about as extra care at home and putting on food restrictions or not giving food to a child for a few hours can help. But, if the child’s diarrhea and vomiting get severe, there must be no delay in seeing a pediatrician.

Severe diarrhea and vomiting that persists for hours may make a child very weak and dehydrated and at a higher health risk of experiencing shutting down of body systems. In such cases, getting the child hospitalized becomes necessary to restore the required fluids in the body of the child. A child must be immediately brought to a pediatrician if his/her body is not able to hold onto fluids or he/she is showing signs of extreme dehydration such as passing on dark-yellow or strong-smelling urine, lack of tears when crying, dry mouth, or urinating less than 4 times in a day.

5. Change in Appetite

Each child has their own eating choices and habits. If they have a good appetite, they generally maintain it. However, if they suddenly show changes in appetite such as suddenly eating more often or in large portions or else not eating at all or not feeling like eating much, then visiting a pediatrician is a must. If a child is eating a lot, he/she may gain weight quickly and become unhealthy. However, if a child is having appetite loss, then there is a fear that the child may become weak, malnourished, and dehydrated. If that happens, hospitalization of the child would be necessary.

A pediatrician is a child health specialist who has knowledge of all potential stomach issues and can identify the cause of appetite change and provide the best-suited, appropriate treatment to the child. Therefore, taking advice from a pediatrician is a must when the child is showing sudden changes in appetite.

6. Rashes

A child may develop different kinds of rashes due to various reasons, so identifying a form of rash and its cause could be tough. If a child is not bothered by a skin rash, then it is nothing to worry about, but keeping a check on it is important. In case, a skin rash does not resolve in a few days, consulting a pediatrician is a must. Immediate medical attention from a pediatrician is required if a rash is accompanied by a fever, as it could be an indication of an underlying infection. It is important to tell a pediatrician details of a child’s rash such as whether it is blistering or bubbling, oozing or weeping, or if it appears like a bullseye or target. Such details can help pediatricians best diagnose and treat the child, says the best pediatrician doctor in South Delhi, Dr. Promilla Butani

Some children have a rash as an allergic reaction to a medicine. In such cases, a pediatrician may be kept informed about any prescriptions or over-the-counter medications the child may be taking. 
Scheduling an appointment with a skilled pediatrician doctor ensures healthy living. Although your child must be taken to a pediatrician at least once a year for health checkups, you must not hesitate to see the pediatrician, if noticing any of the above-listed signs. One can consult the bestPediatrician Specialist in South Delhi, Dr. Promila Butani as in some cases it is a must as a child’s health condition can only be best addressed by a pediatrician.

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Air Pollution: Does It Affect Lungs in Children?

 Air pollution and lung infection in children are quite interrelated. Air pollution is known to take a toll on the lungs of not only children, but adults too. It comes as no surprise that the effects of pollution on children’s lungs can be viewed as a grave situation, which is full of health hazards, including conditions such as asthma. But one must be wondering how air pollution affects the lungs of children. 

To answer the same, we had a deep conversation with Dr. Promilla Butani, the best general pediatrician doctor in South Delhi, who is the founder of Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice. We have used the information gathered from the expert to draft this post. So, continue reading this post to know the link between air pollution and its harmful effect on the lungs of children.

What is Air Pollution, and How Does it Affect Children?

Air pollution refers to the harmful particles that are present in the air that we breathe. Air pollution is not only in the air we breathe outside, but it also affects the quality of air we breathe indoors.

Does Air Pollution Affect Unborn Babies?

Being exposed to air pollution in the womb affects a baby’s lungs. If the baby gets exposed to air pollution, this can lead to low birth weight or even premature birth. However, pregnant women must avoid air pollution to reduce the amount of air pollution while breathing.

To learn how to prevent your child from being exposed to pollutants, consider consulting a pediatrician. One can schedule an appointment with Dr. Promilla Butani, the best child specialist in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

Let’s understand the connection between pollutants and lung infections.

Lungs in Children

In many situations, the organs in a child’s body are delicate and are not fully mature until the child reaches a certain age. The main part of the lungs in children grows only after the child is born, similar to the arms and legs. Also, it has been proven that 80% of the smallest air sacs grow after the child’s birth. This is also called alveoli, which facilitates the transfer of oxygen in the bloodstream. These alveoli continue growing until the child becomes an adult.

Immunity and Infections

Similar to the lungs of a child, the immunity of the child is in its growth phase, and it is different from the immunity of the adult. This makes the children more susceptible to infections, which are carried by air pollution that is sent into the air every single day. Also, many children spend their time playing outdoors, where they breathe more pollutants in the air. This is why they are prone to infections and lung diseases. 

How to Know that Pollution is Affecting a Child? 

Usually, the first symptoms that indicate air pollution is affecting the child’s lungs can be seen when the child coughs continuously without any reason. And when a child faces infections time and time again, all these signs show the hazardous effects of air pollution in children.

What Other Problems Can Children Face When Exposed to Air Pollution?

Besides respiratory problems, which lead to asthmatic attacks, fevers, or allergies, there are other dangers as well. This can happen when constant obstruction of oxygen due to pollution becomes a regular affair. This includes stroke, brain damage, etc., which leads to a high risk of dementia. 

How to Minimize the Risk of Air Pollution on My Child? 

Air pollution can be a worrying situation. If one lives in a big city, it won’t be practical for an individual to move away. But there are a few simple steps which parents must take to reduce their child’s exposure to air pollution: 

  • Avoid smoking during the pregnancy phase. 
  • Make sure the child does not breathe cigarette smoke once they are born, and they must avoid smoky environments for this.
  • Walk more instead of driving. On busy roads, the exposure to air pollution can be worse inside a car than it is outside.
  • While walking, avoid the pollution by taking quieter streets and avoid the busiest roads.
  • Keep the home well-aired by opening the windows when pollution outside is at a low level, and one can also check for forecasts of air pollution levels.
  • Avoid exposure to household chemicals.

A Final Note 

Children are more vulnerable to breathing in polluted air than adults, as their airways are small. They also breathe more quickly than adults as they take in more polluted air. Also, if a child breathes in high levels of air pollution over a long period of time, they are at risk of developing asthma, and their lungs may not function properly when they grow. They may also get diagnosed with infections such as pneumonia. 

So, if your child is experiencing symptoms such as persistent cough, one must consult a pediatrician/child specialist right away. One can consult Dr. Promilla Butani, the best child doctor in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice

She offers compassionate care to every child and helps them get rid of infections by recommending personalized treatment. She looks after all general issues children experience such as asthma, allergies, obesity, etc. 

For more details, get in touch with Dr. Promilla Butani, the expert pediatrician at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice today!

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