Sleep Disorder in Children: Sings, Symptoms and Managing Strategies

Children who get enough sleep perform better in learning, attention, memory, and behaviour, as well as in terms of their general mental and physical health. Any parent who has children will tell you that getting them to sleep and making sure they get enough sleep can be daily struggles. Children and sleep do not always get along.

In this article, we will explore the sleep patterns of infants, the symptoms and signs of sleep disorders, and tips to help children improve their sleep patterns. To make this post enriching, we have gathered information from Dr. Promilla Butani, a well-known child doctor in Delhi. Keep reading to learn more.

How Much Sleep Do Children Need?

Many parents are unaware of the precise amount of sleep that children require or what constitutes normal sleep, given the child’s age.  

  1. 0–3 Months

Sleep is important for the growth and development of your child. However, eating is also important. That is why newborns wake up to eat, look at the faces or the things going on in their environment, and then go back to sleep. The majority of babies sleep 16 to 17 hours every day.

  1. 3–12 Months

Many babies will sleep through the night by the time they are six months old, preferring to remain awake during the day. Babies who are getting close to turning one year old will probably start sleeping through the night more regularly and take one or two naps during the day.

  1. After 1 Year

Instead of taking two shorter naps throughout the day, toddlers typically take one longer one. Many kids start weaning themselves off of naps completely by the time they are in preschool.

How Can You Tell If It’s a Sleep Disorder in Children?

While it can occasionally take children some time to fall asleep, if they seem to be struggling greatly, it may be a sign of a sleep disorder. Any of these situations could point to a potential sleep problem:

  1. For what seems like hours, your child lies in bed, demanding more books, songs, drinks, or bathroom breaks.
  2. Even at night, your child only naps for approximately ninety minutes at a time.
  3. Your child complains at night about itchy legs.
  4. Your child has a loud snore. 
  5. Many kids experience occasional insomnia or restless nights. These behaviours might indicate the presence of an underlying cause if they last for multiple nights.
  6. Children who do not get enough sleep during the day may also act more disruptively, seem moodier and irritable, or perform below average in school.

The Symptoms of Sleep Disorders

  1. Sleep Apnea

When your child stops breathing for ten seconds or longer while they sleep, they may have sleep apnea, which is frightening. In addition, your child may exhibit excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep with their mouth open, and loud snores. See a medical professional right away if you observe your child experiencing this.

  1. Restless Leg Syndrome

Your child might frequently switch positions in bed in an attempt to get some relief from what they refer to as “the wiggles,” or the feeling of something crawling on them. Some kids suffer from RLS and have trouble sleeping, even though they are not aware of their discomfort.

  1. Night Terrors

Night terrors can frighten every member of the family and are more than just bad dreams. Night terrors, which are more common in children than in adults, cause a person to wake up out of sleep abruptly, looking extremely scared or agitated, and frequently yelling, crying, and occasionally sleepwalking. 

Most of the time, they are not even fully awake, and most kids do not even recall the incident. Night terrors typically occur 90 minutes or less after a child falls asleep. Although there is no cure for night terrors, you can reduce the chance that they will occur by maintaining a regular sleep schedule and minimizing nighttime disruptions.

Strategies To Help Your Kids Sleep Better

It is possible for parents and other adults to actively contribute to their child’s better sleep. A new mattress is one of the easy fixes that can improve your child’s comfort during the night. 

Dr. Promilla Butani, founder of at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatric Practice, a well-known pediatric clinic in South Delhi, shares some expert advice and a few more strategies to assist a child in getting the sleep they require:

  1. Encourage Calmness

Take a warm bath or indulge in some quiet reading before bed. During this time, keep the lights in the bedroom dim.  Make sure the room is cozy and dark before turning in for the night.

  1. Create a Schedule

Having your child follow the same procedures each night aids in helping them develop a sleep schedule. Ask older kids how many books they want to read before going to bed. Put the schedule in writing or with pictures in the child’s room, such as “brush teeth, read books, cuddle, lights out.”

  1. Prioritize Spending Time with Each Other

Talk to your child for a short while before bed, perhaps during cuddle time. Encourage conversation by asking them about their day. Children who engage in this kind of activity may feel less restless.

  1. Disconnect All Electronics

Do not use any electronics in the bedroom. Establish a bedtime routine early enough to allow the child to spend at least an hour without screens before lights out. It is a good idea to associate going to bed with something positive. Consider implementing a reward system for your child for going to bed and getting up at their preferred time rather than criticizing them for getting up during the night.


Good sleep is essential for both kids and adults. However, many people do not get enough sleep. It can be challenging for parents to determine whether their child’s sleep problems are a result of growing up or a sleep disorder. The symptoms of sleep disorders include sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or night terrors. There are a few ways that parents can implement at home to make their child sleep better, like prioritising relaxation, creating a schedule, and more. If one still finds it difficult they must consult a pediatrican who can share some tips or help you out with the situation.

For instance, if one is looking for a children pediatrician in South Delhi, one may consult with Dr. Promilla Butani, a well-known pediatrician. She has nearly fifty years of experience and is an expert in a wide range of pediatric healthcare services. She also provides expert guidance to new parents on techniques for good parenting.

More Details Read These Blogs: 

Tips to Take Care of a Newborn: A Guide for Parents

Parenthood is the beginning of a new adventure. In this beautiful journey, while parenting and raising a newborn child, parents will also learn more about themselves than they ever thought they would. You will experience limitless love, and you will be put to the test in some intensely emotional situations. You might experience a wide range of emotions during the newborn stage. Undoubtedly, raising a newborn is a difficult job. Since your baby will not come with a parenting manual, we have put together some useful advice to help you settle into your new role as a parent.

In this blog, we will guide the new parents with tips on how to care for their child, including how to handle the newborn baby, how to bathe them, feed them, and more. To make this post enriching, we have gathered information from Dr. Promilla Butani, a well-known baby pediatrician in Delhi. Keep reading to learn these amazing tips and make your parenting easy!

Tips to Handle the Baby

Newborns are very fragile. Here are a few basics for parents to remember:

  1. Prior to touching your infant, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. Newborns are susceptible to infections because they do not yet have a robust immune system. Also, ensure that all those who come into contact with your baby have clean hands.
  1. Support the head and neck of your infant. When placing your infant down or carrying them upright, support their head.
  1. Do not ever shake your child. Shaking can cause bleeding in the brain. Do not shake your baby to wake them up. Instead, gently blow on a baby’s cheek or tickle their feet.
  1. Do not play rough with newborns by throwing them in the air or jiggling them on your knee.

Bathing Tips for a Newborn Baby

Sponge baths a baby in their initial phase. This can be accomplished by gently washing your baby’s head, body, and diaper area with a cloth or sponge dipped into warm water. Until your baby’s umbilical cord falls off on its own, giving them a sponge bath is the safest option.

Tips to Feed the Baby

You might be wondering how often to feed your newborn. It is generally advised to feed babies on demand or whenever they appear hungry. When your baby is hungry, they may cry, put their fingers in their mouths, or make sucking noises. A newborn must be fed every two to three hours. 

If a breastfed baby appears content, poops multiple times a day, has about six wet diapers, sleeps well, or consistently gains weight, then they are most likely getting enough to eat. Another effective method for determining whether a breastfed baby is getting milk is to determine if your breasts feel full before feeding and less full after feeding. During feedings, babies frequently swallow air, which can make them fussy. Always burp your baby to help prevent this.

Tips to Give Baby a Good Sleep

Newborns sleep for up to sixteen hours every night. Usually, they sleep for two to four hours at a time. When they are three months old, most babies sleep through the night (for six to eight hours), but if yours doesn’t, it is not a reason to worry. Babies experience their own sleep cycles and patterns just like adults do.

Babies safe sleeping practices include:

  1. Avoid putting bumpers, stuffed animals, blankets, quilts, sheepskins, pillows, or other items in the crib or bassinet as they can suffocate a baby.
  1. From night to night, move your baby’s head in different directions (right, left, and so on). By doing this, one side of the head is kept from becoming flattened.

Tips to Care for the Umbilical Cord and Circumcision Area

  1. Umbilical Cord Care

It usually takes ten days to three weeks for the cord stump to dry up and fall off after you clean the area around it with plain water and blot dry. As the area heals and the stump falls off, avoid letting the area around the belly button soak in water. The cord stump will naturally turn from yellow to brown or black before falling off. If there is discharge, a bad odor, or the area appears red, give your doctor a call. 

Tips to Tackle Newborn’s Fever

Particularly in a newborn, fever can indicate a serious medical condition. If your baby’s rectal temperature reaches 100.4 F (or 101 F if they are three months old or older), call a pediatrician. Regardless of your baby’s temperature, keep an eye out for additional symptoms of illness. If your baby is acting strangely, not eating or drinking, or appears to be in pain, get in touch with a medical professional. 

When to Get a Pediatrician’s Help

When a newborn has a fever, it is a good idea to have them checked out by a doctor. Dr. Promilla Butani, the best child specialist in Delhi, suggests the following signs and symptoms in infants that should be taken seriously:

Baby Pediatrician in Delhi, Best Child Specialist in Delhi, best child specialist doctor in delhi,Best Pediatrician Doctor in Delhi,Pediatrician in Delhi,Pediatrician Specialists in Delhi,
  1. Demonstrates alterations in their eating habits, such as a refusal to breastfeed
  2. Has a lot of mucus or watery stools
  3. Is drowsy, unresponsive, or sleepy all the time
  4. Is excessively agitated and weeps for longer periods of time than usual
  5. Has a rash that is red or swollen anywhere on their body
  6. Has swelling or redness at the base of their umbilical cord
  7. Shows signs of constipation, such as straining or discomfort when moving their bowels
  8. Has a bloated belly or throws up (rather than spitting)


Having a newborn baby is challenging and tiring for parents. Hope these tips will help the new parents take care of their child and they will cherish these moments with the baby instead of worrying about every little thing. For better guidance and in emergencies, it is always advisable for the parents to stay in touch with a pediatrician. 

If one is looking for the best child specialist doctor in Delhi, they may consult with Dr. Promilla Butani, a well known pediatrician. She has nearly fifty years of experience and is an expert in a wide range of pediatric healthcare services.

6 Signs You Need a Pediatrician

 Parents, guardians, or caretakers of children often are unsure when to call for a pediatrician to see their children. None of them would like to take pains to visit a doctor when there is no need for it and the child can recover at home. But sometimes avoiding doctor visits can lead to major repercussions. If you want to know when it is important to give kids medical attention to a child health specialist, you have come to the right post. 

Dr. Promila Butani, the Best Pediatrician Doctor in Delhi has shared crucial information that has helped make this post. We have compiled a list of 6 signs that indicate you need to contact a pediatric doctor at a child healthcare facility. Keep reading to get answers to frequently asked questions regarding the signs a child needs to see a pediatrician. 

Signs To Get Your Child Consulted by a Pediatrician

1. High Body Temperature

Having a fever is a good indication that the child’s immune system is responding well to protect the child’s body from infections or any serious illnesses. Many parents or guardians are very quick to conclude that having a fever means a visit to a doctor. That’s not always true. Fever is not always a serious symptom or an emergency indicating the need to visit a doctor, except when the child is under 2 months old. 

Although fever can be alarming, a low-grade fever that lasts for a day may not necessitate medical attention by a pediatrician. Pediatricians recommend that a child must be attended by a pediatric doctor if he/she is younger than 12 weeks and has a temperature of 100.4°F or a child of any age has a persistent fever going higher than 104°F.

2. Breathing Issues

A child must be soon shown to a pediatrician if wheezing, having unexplained cough and cold, or any other non-serious breathing issues. Prompt medical attention from a pediatrician is necessary if the child is experiencing shortness of breath, labored breathing, persistent cough, coughing up blood, or other serious breathing issues. 

3. Intense Abdominal Pain

Most pediatric patients that are seen in a child healthcare center suffer from digestive issues. This does not mean that visiting a pediatrician is necessary for every stomach problem.   

Children commonly complain of stomach aches because of poor eating habits, stomach worms, anxiety or stress, and/or not going to the washroom as and when required. It is not always easy for parents to identify which stomach ache of their children warrants a visit to a pediatrician and which does not or which needs immediate medical attention. Having severe pain in the abdomen may be a sign of a serious underlying illness, especially if the pain or discomfort is localized. The child’s complaint of experiencing an overall achy feeling in the tummy is nothing much to worry about than having intense pain in a specific abdominal site.      

4. Severe Diarrhea or Vomiting

If a child is feeling unwell, the last thing to look out for is the child’s bathroom habits. It is important to keep a check on whether the child is constipated or having diarrhea. Vomiting is an indicator of an upset stomach. Mild diarrhea and vomiting are usually nothing to be worried about as extra care at home and putting on food restrictions or not giving food to a child for a few hours can help. But, if the child’s diarrhea and vomiting get severe, there must be no delay in seeing a pediatrician.

Severe diarrhea and vomiting that persists for hours may make a child very weak and dehydrated and at a higher health risk of experiencing shutting down of body systems. In such cases, getting the child hospitalized becomes necessary to restore the required fluids in the body of the child. A child must be immediately brought to a pediatrician if his/her body is not able to hold onto fluids or he/she is showing signs of extreme dehydration such as passing on dark-yellow or strong-smelling urine, lack of tears when crying, dry mouth, or urinating less than 4 times in a day.

5. Change in Appetite

Each child has their own eating choices and habits. If they have a good appetite, they generally maintain it. However, if they suddenly show changes in appetite such as suddenly eating more often or in large portions or else not eating at all or not feeling like eating much, then visiting a pediatrician is a must. If a child is eating a lot, he/she may gain weight quickly and become unhealthy. However, if a child is having appetite loss, then there is a fear that the child may become weak, malnourished, and dehydrated. If that happens, hospitalization of the child would be necessary.

A pediatrician is a child health specialist who has knowledge of all potential stomach issues and can identify the cause of appetite change and provide the best-suited, appropriate treatment to the child. Therefore, taking advice from a pediatrician is a must when the child is showing sudden changes in appetite.

6. Rashes

A child may develop different kinds of rashes due to various reasons, so identifying a form of rash and its cause could be tough. If a child is not bothered by a skin rash, then it is nothing to worry about, but keeping a check on it is important. In case, a skin rash does not resolve in a few days, consulting a pediatrician is a must. Immediate medical attention from a pediatrician is required if a rash is accompanied by a fever, as it could be an indication of an underlying infection. It is important to tell a pediatrician details of a child’s rash such as whether it is blistering or bubbling, oozing or weeping, or if it appears like a bullseye or target. Such details can help pediatricians best diagnose and treat the child, says the best pediatrician doctor in South Delhi, Dr. Promilla Butani

Some children have a rash as an allergic reaction to a medicine. In such cases, a pediatrician may be kept informed about any prescriptions or over-the-counter medications the child may be taking. 
Scheduling an appointment with a skilled pediatrician doctor ensures healthy living. Although your child must be taken to a pediatrician at least once a year for health checkups, you must not hesitate to see the pediatrician, if noticing any of the above-listed signs. One can consult the bestPediatrician Specialist in South Delhi, Dr. Promila Butani as in some cases it is a must as a child’s health condition can only be best addressed by a pediatrician.

Read More:

Painful Coughing in Kids – Pediatrician Insights

 Painful coughing in kids can be distressing for both the child and their parents. There are several reasons children develop coughs, which can make it difficult for parents to determine what is causing the cough and when to see a pediatrician. However, a child’s cough is nothing to worry about.

To help parents understand the severity of their child’s cough and what causes it, Dr. Promilla Butani, a general pediatrician in Delhi, has shared crucial insights on the same in this blog. Keep reading to learn more.

What is Causing the Child’s Cough?

As we all know, coughing can be distressing for both the child and their parents. However, it’s vital to identify the underlying cause of the cough and address it appropriately. Here are some leading causes of painful coughing in kids:

1. Cold: The common cold produces a wet cough with mucus. One should consult a pediatrician if the child’s voice is becoming hoarse. If the child has a cold, medications are not needed. Keep the child well hydrated, have them blow their nose, and make them rest as needed. As long as there is no fever, the child may continue attending school.

2. Allergies: Seasonal allergies do not affect children under the age of two or three. Symptoms of these allergies include watery eyes, a running nose, a sore throat, or itchiness. However, allergies do not cause tiredness or body aches.

3. Respiratory Infections: Coughing can be a symptom of various respiratory infections like the common cold, flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia. These infections can cause inflammation and irritation in the airways, which makes coughing painful for kids. One can consult Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading pediatrician in Delhi to seek medical attention.

4. Pneumonia: Children normally experience pneumonia symptoms differently from adults, and the symptoms tend to be very subtle. However, pneumonia is often accompanied by a high fever too. But the signs will vary depending on the cause of pneumonia and the child’s age. If the child is suffering from frequent coughs and has a high fever and difficulty breathing, a pediatrician should be consulted.

5. Asthma: Asthma is the most common disease of childhood and almost affects 1 in 10 children. Asthma attacks can be triggered by several factors, such as laughter, environmental factors, cold air, exercises, etc. If the child’s cough is accompanied by wheezing, consult a pediatrician right away.

6. Croup: Croup occurs when the upper airway swells and makes it difficult for the child to breathe. Boys are more likely to contract croup than girls throughout the winter. Coughs that are associated with croup and are accompanied by a high-pitched sound when inhaling need the intervention of a pediatrician.

How to Help a Child’s Cough?

No matter what the cause of the child’s cough is, here are a few cough methods that can be used at home:

1. Increase Fluids: Increasing fluid intake can soothe a sore throat and make the mucus in the child’s lungs easier to cough.

2. Rest in an Upright Position: The child will benefit from getting lots of sleep, but congestion could make it hard for them to go to sleep. To make it easier for them to fall asleep, try raising the head of the bed by placing a couple of pillows under the mattress.

3. Make it Warm: The child’s breathing may be made easier by a warm bath or shower, and a nighttime cool-mist humidifier in their room might also help.

4. Eliminate Irritants: This can include small particles, smoke from cigarettes, and chemical odors.

5. Medications: Over-the-counter cough suppressants or throat lozenges may provide temporary relief, but it’s important to consult a pediatrician before giving any medication to the child, as they might have some side effects and interactions.

When to Seek Medical Attention?

If the child is experiencing severe pain, difficulty breathing, has a high fever that lasts more than a week, or has any underlying medical condition, it is recommended to seek consultation with a pediatrician right away. Dr. Promilla Butani is one of the top 10 child specialist in Delhi who practices at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice. Not only will she provide effective treatment for coughing, but she also offers treatment for other diseases such as asthma and allergies. She also looks after social pediatrics, general pediatrics, offers guidance on breastfeeding techniques to parents, provides a range of vaccinations and many more.

To get personalized guidance and proper treatment for your child’s painful cough, visit Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice

Important Vaccinations for Children Aged Between 0-5 Years

 All parents are fiercely protective of their kids, and immunization is one way to protect them from health risks. A baby will be protected against many serious childhood diseases if they receive all the recommended vaccinations on time. Immunization is a tried-and-true, risk-free method of ensuring a child’s health.

This blog includes the insights shared by Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading pediatrician at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice, the top baby vaccination clinic in Delhi, about the importance of vaccination and also lists the main vaccinations for children aged between 0-5 years.

One cannot afford to neglect to give their child their vaccinations on time for the following reasons:

  1. Provide Protection from Dangerous Diseases

The primary factor in the “extinction” of some serious diseases is vaccination. This advancement in general health was made possible by vaccinations, which also protected parents, kids, and the community from the debilitating effects of some serious illnesses. Once a child has received the recommended vaccinations, their bodies are better prepared to fight off the disease.

  1. Child Development and Welfare

Syringes and injections may prick the child for a brief period of time, but they prevent serious health problems. By receiving vaccinations on time, one can improve growth and ensure overall health. Getting immunized can be viewed as a wise investment because it prevents the spread of diseases, saves a lot of time and money, and reduces the risk of adverse health effects.

  1. Vaccinations are Secure and Reliable

Vaccinations also help to protect future generations, which is another advantage. Many health-threatening diseases that have historically resulted in death or severely disabled people have been reported to decrease and even disappear due to vaccinations.

Raising a child involves going above and beyond to ensure that they develop into physically, mentally, and even spiritually healthy adults. Immunity and resistance are improved with vaccinations, enabling people to fend off any threats. To make tomorrow safer, it is crucial to immunize them today.

Vaccination Schedule for Kids Aged 0 to 5 Years

Vaccination in First Year

  1. BCG

It is administered intradermally on the left shoulder and protects against tuberculosis (TB).

  1. IPV

Vaccine for injectable polio.

  1. OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine)

Although IPV vaccination is the preferred method, a combination of IPV and OPV will provide better protection. 

  1. DTAP/ DTWP Diphtheria, Tetanus Pertussis (Whooping Cough) – Pertussis

Both the aP (acellular pertussis) and wP (whole cell pertussis) vaccines are available. Both vaccines are very effective; the only difference between them is that the “aP” vaccine causes fewer adverse reactions like fever and pain at the injection site than the “wP” vaccine. However, “aP” is extremely helpful in kids who have a history of birth anoxia/trauma, febrile convulsions, etc.

  1. HIB

Haemophilus Influenzae B, also known as HIB, is a bacteria that affects children under the age of five and can result in meningitis, ear infections, and blood infections (septicemia).

  1. Rotavirus Vaccine

To prevent rotavirus-related diarrhea, this vaccine is given orally in 2 or 3 doses before the age of 6 months.

  1. Measles

When the infant is nine months old, either the measles alone or the MMR (German Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine may be administered.

  1. FLU Vaccine

It starts between the ages of 7-9 months. First-year patients receive two doses spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

  1. Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine

It reduces the risk of typhoid. This might be repeated again within a year or two. No additional doses are necessary.

Vaccination in 2nd year

  1. MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella): Given at 15 months
  2. Chicken Pox or Varicella Vaccine: Given at 15 months
  3. PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE 1st booster: Given at 15-18 months
  4. IPV, DTaP/DTwP/Hib 1st booster: Given at15-18 months
  5. Hepatitis A Vaccine: Given twice, six months apart, beginning at 18 to 19 months.
  6. Flu Vaccine: Given once a year in a single dose

Vaccination in 3rd and 4th year

  1. Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine

After age 2, the typhoid conjugate vaccine may be given once more. Typhoid vaccination can be given at any age if it has never been done before, and a booster shot can be given after two years.

  1. Meningococcal Vaccine

One of the most severe types of meningitis caused by meningococci is prevented by the meningococcal vaccine. After age 2 and up until adolescence and young adulthood, it is administered in a single dose.

Vaccination in 4 ½ – 5 years

  1. MMR, DTaP + IPV, and Chicken Pox Boosters
  2. Furthermore, any catch-up vaccinations that may not have been administered earlier for any reason.

To learn more about the vaccines, one can consult Dr. Promilla Butani, a renowned pediatrician in South Delhi at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice.

Understanding Newborn Seasonal Fever: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

It’s great to welcome a new baby into the family, but it may also be worrying when your child gets sick. Seasonal variations, particularly in the colder months, can result in several health issues, including fevers in neonates. Parents must handle this frequent occurrence with confidence and safeguard their baby’s health.

Dr. Promilla Butani, the best general pediatric doctor in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatrics Practice, elaborates on factors causing seasonal fever, followed by its symptoms and handling. 

This blog will discuss all three in brief, so parents know exactly what they need to do when they come across such situations. 

Causes of Seasonal Fever In Newborns

  • Viral Infections: Viral infections, including the common cold or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which tend to be more common throughout specific seasons, can affect newborns. Infants who have these infections may develop fevers.
  • Bacterial diseases: Newborn fevers can be brought on by specific bacterial diseases, like pneumonia or urinary tract infections. Because of environmental variables or greater exposure, certain illnesses could be more prevalent during particular seasons.
  • Over Bundling: To protect their newborns from the cold during the colder months, parents frequently dress them in layers of warm garments. However, excessive bundling might cause overheating and a fever. It’s crucial to keep your baby’s body temperature at a healthy level.

Symptoms Of Seasonal Fever in Newborns 

  • Elevated Body Temperature: In general, fever is characterized by a newborn’s rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or greater. It’s critical to take your baby’s temperature precisely with a dependable thermometer.
  • Irritation and Pain: A fever can make your baby cranky, irritable, and uncomfortable. They can have trouble sleeping or eating, and they might act differently overall than they usually do.
  • Poor Feeding: Infants with fevers may have a diminished appetite or have trouble latching onto the breast. It’s essential to keep them hydrated, so pay attention to their feeding habits and provide water frequently.

How to Take Care of a Newborn with Seasonal Fever

  • Get in touch with your healthcare provider: If your infant develops a fever, you must contact the best child specialist doctor in Delhi right away. They can evaluate the problem, offer advice, and decide whether additional medical testing or treatment is required.
  • Monitor Your Baby’s Temperature: Keep tabs on any changes by routinely taking your baby’s temperature. Remember that a rectal thermometer gives the most precise results when used on babies.
  • Maintain Hydration: To keep your baby hydrated, encourage regular breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Consult your healthcare practitioner for alternate techniques to maintain hydration if your infant is having trouble eating due to discomfort.
  • Dress Properly: Cover your infant with soft, breathable clothes that are appropriate for the surrounding temperature. To avoid overheating, refrain from over-bundling or overdressing.
  • Comfort Measures: If your infant is overheated, take lukewarm sponge baths or dress them in lightweight clothing to assist lower their body temperature. For specific advice based on your baby’s age and symptoms, speak with your doctor.
  • Follow Medical Advice: Administer the medication as advised if your doctor has prescribed it to you to treat your baby’s fever. Never administer any over-the-counter drugs to your baby without first talking to your doctor.


It might be worrying when a newborn has a fever, especially when the seasons change. Parents can successfully manage seasonal fevers in their newborns by being aware of the possible causes, detecting the symptoms, and providing the necessary treatment. Remember that the best way to guarantee your baby’s health and well-being is to constantly seek the advice and assistance of your healthcare professional. Your child will quickly return to being healthy and lively with the right love, care, and attention.If you are looking for the best general pediatric doctor in Delhi, book a consultation with Dr. Promilla Butani.

Why Must We Breastfeed the Child For 6 Months?

 Most parents of newborn babies must have heard that ‘breastfeeding is the best’. Breast milk provides certain nutrition for babies and has a perfect mix of proteins, vitamins, and fat. It comprises everything that a baby requires to grow and build immunity. Breast milk is also considered to be digested more easily than instant formula. While some women find it difficult to breastfeed, others simply decide not to. However, studies suggest that breastfeeding has several benefits and is important for both the child and the mother.

In this article, Dr. Promilla Butani, a leading general pediatrician in Delhi, has broadly explained why it is essential to breastfeed the body for six months. The expert pediatrician has more than five decades of extensive experience and caters to the medical needs of infants, children, and adolescents.

 Let’s Discover the Benefits of Breast Milk As Below:   

  1. Breast Milk Offers Ideal Nutrition for the Babies

Many health authorities suggest that babies should be breastfed for at least six months. Breast milk contains everything that a newborn needs in the first six months of life in the appropriate proportions. Its composition adapts to the baby’s fluctuating needs, especially during the first month of life. During the initial days of birth, the breasts produce a thick and yellowish fluid (colostrum) that is high in protein, low in sugar, and has several compounds.

  1. Breast Milk Contains Essential Antibodies

Breast milk is a vital source of antibodies that help the baby fight off various viruses and bacteria. When the mother is exposed to certain viruses and bacteria, her body starts producing antibodies. These antibodies secrete into the breast milk, which further passes on to the baby while breastfeeding. Immunoglobulins protect the baby from diseases and provide a protective layer in the baby’s nose and throat. One must understand that formula milk does not provide antibody protection for babies. The expert suggests that the chances of diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and infection are higher in babies who are not breastfed.

If one has further questions about breastfeeding and is searching for a leading children pediatrician in Delhi, one can book a consultation with Dr. Promilla Butani at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatric Practice.

Note: A pediatrician also recommends avoiding giving any other form of liquid, such as soup, water, tea, juice, or porridge, before six months.

  1. Breast Milk Reduces the Risk of Diseases

Breastfeeding offers several health benefits. It reduces the baby’s risk of being vulnerable to many illnesses and infections like middle ear infections, colds, intestinal tissue damage, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), allergic diseases, celiac disease, diarrhea, and childhood leukemia. These amazing benefits of breastfeeding last throughout childhood and adulthood too.

  1. Breast Milk Promotes Healthy Weight

Breast milk also promotes an ideal weight and helps prevent childhood obesity problems. According to a study, obesity rates are lower in breastfed babies as compared to formula-fed babies. Breastfed newborns learn to self-regulate their milk intake, which will assist them in developing healthy eating habits later in life.

What are the Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mothers?

The benefits of breastfeeding are not limited to babies alone. Mothers also have diverse benefits from breastfeeding.

  • Breastfeeding cuts down on extra calories and helps the mother get rid of pregnancy weight faster. It also releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps the uterus return to its pregnancy body and reduces uterine bleeding after birth.
  • Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
  • A recent study also suggests that breastfeeding protects against heart disease and other ailments. It reduces the risk of experiencing osteoporosis, too.
  • Breastfeeding also pauses menstruation and ovulation. This can be an effective way of ensuring there is enough time between pregnancies.
  • Breastfeeding brings the mother closer to her child and allows her to bond with him or her. It is one of the best things to do to build a safe and loving relationship.

 How to Know if the Infant is Getting Sufficient Milk?

 Here are some of the signs that indicate whether the baby is getting enough milk:

  • At least five or six wet nappies in 24 hours: Urine should be odorless and clear. A young baby will have three or more soft bowel movements for several weeks. Strong and dark urine indicates that a baby requires more breast milk, and one should seek medical advice if this happens.
  • Good skin color: While pinching the baby’s skin, it must spring back in place.
  • The baby is alert and does not want to feed constantly: It is normal for babies to have times when they feed more frequently and wake up for nighttime feeds.
  • Baby’s Growth: There is weight gain and growth in length and head circumference.

If breast milk is not available, one can use instant formula. It offers the essential nutrition that the baby requires. After 6–12 months, soy milk or dairy milk can also be added partially, but only if the pediatrician recommends it.

How to Get the Baby to ‘Latch on’ During Breastfeeding?

The position of the baby should be towards the mother so that they do not twist their neck to feed. With one hand, cup the breast and stroke the baby’s lower lips with the nipples. With the hand supporting the baby’s neck, bring the mouth closer around the nipple. One will know if the baby is ‘latched on’ correctly when both lips are pursed outward around the nipple. The infant should have most of the areola in their mouth. If a mother feels a slight tingling, breastfeeding won’t be painful. Good latching prevents the nipples from hurting.

Where Can I Get Help With Breastfeeding?

For some mothers, breastfeeding could be simple, but for others, it may not be, and they might require help and assistance. If one requires assistance with breastfeeding, one can consult the leading pediatrician, Dr. Promilla Butani, a renowned general pediatrician in Delhi, at Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatric Practice. One can consult her to learn the various techniques of breastfeeding and several tips to help one breastfeed their infant with ease.

The leading pediatrician has been working in the field of child care since 1971, and besides guiding mothers with breastfeeding, she looks after community pediatrics, social pediatrics, adolescent pediatrics, preventive health care of children, Immunization/ vaccination of children from 0 to 18 years, and many more.

For more information, pay a visit to Dr. Promilla Butani’s Pediatric Practice today to get consulted by Dr. Promilla Butani.

What Shot Does My Baby Need and When?

Whenever a baby is born, a child specialist comes to examine the infant’s overall health. After that, the doctor induces injections into the newborn’s body. These periodic injections are essential safety concerns for kids’ health. Baby vaccines protect vulnerable newborns against life-threatening diseases such as chickenpox, polio, MMR, jaundice, etc. As a result, baby pediatricians in Delhi prescribe a scheduled chart to make a baby vaccination. 

This article by Dr. Promilla Butani discusses the disease, safety concerns, and the right time for baby vaccination. Read the post and learn about the availability of baby vaccination in South Delhi.

Based on a kid’s age, child specialists in Delhi classify baby immunization into two categories:-

  1. 0-5 years
  2. 6 – 18 years

During the first 5 years of life, a child is the most vulnerable. As a result, child specialists in South Delhi prescribe monthly immunization. Some of the most vital immunizers for 0 to 5 years toddler are underneath:-

  • BCG

BCG stands for Bracile Calmette-Guerin and is tuberculosis (TB) vaccine. This vaccine stops the development of TB tissues. TB is a severe lung disease. As a result, the right for BCG injection is just a few hours to the day after the child’s birth. 

  • IPV

Poliovirus impacts a child’s leg growth. The infected toddler experiences discomfort while moving. Infection of poliovirus is non-treatable; as a result, child specialists recommend Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine (IPV). Only four doses of this vaccine make a toddler safe from poliovirus. The right time for IPV doses is during an infant’s second, fourth, sixth, and eighteen months.  

  • OPV

There are three types of poliovirus- Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. OPV stands for Oral Polio Vaccine in combination with IPV, which works more effectively on all types of poliovirus infections. OPV creates antibodies to fight against the paralysis caused by the failure of the nervous system. 

  • aP and wP

Acellular Pertusis (aP) and Whole Cell Pertusis (wP) are two vaccines for Diphtheria and Tetanus whooping cough. These vaccines prevent kids from the contagious disease of mucous formation, cut by any insect or iron-made tool. The right time to induce these vaccines is anytime after six weeks of an infant’s birth. Here it is to note that aP and wP are DTAP vaccines with different aftereffects like fever and pain. In such circumstances, one must consult the kid’s medical condition with the best child specialist in South Delhi.

  • HIB

The Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine is a vaccine that protects against Haemophilus influenzae type b bacteria, which can cause serious illnesses such as meningitis, pneumonia, and epiglottitis. The vaccine is typically given to children in a series of doses, starting at two months of age, with additional doses at four, six, and 12-15 months.

The Hib vaccine is usually given as a combination vaccine with other routine childhood vaccinations, such as the DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis) vaccine, and is generally well-tolerated. Mild side effects, such as redness or swelling at the injection site, fever, and irritability, may occur, but severe side effects are rare.

  • Rotavirus Vaccine

Diarrhoea is a common health problem caused by water deficiency, weakness, and loose motions. This life-threatening problem with infants is caused by rotavirus. But fortunately, there is a vaccine named rotavirus vaccine that protects infants against the highly contagious virus. The vaccine is usually given to infants in a series of doses, starting at two months of age, and typically given with two or three additional doses, depending on the brand of vaccine.

  • Rotavirus is one of the leading causes of severe diarrhea in children under five and can also cause vomiting, fever, and dehydration. In extreme cases, it can lead to hospitalization and even death. However, the rotavirus vaccine is highly effective in preventing rotavirus infection and reducing symptoms’ severity in those who get infected.
  • There are currently two types of rotavirus vaccine available – a monovalent vaccine and a pentavalent vaccine. Both types are typically given orally and are generally well-tolerated. Mild side effects, such as fussiness or mild diarrhea, may occur, but severe side effects are rare.
  • Measles 

Measles is a contagious virus that usually attacks children. This highly infectious virus leads to severe illness and complications, including pneumonia, encephalitis, and even death. The measles vaccine protects kids against this virus. The vaccine is typically given to children in two doses, with the first dose given at 12-15 months of age and the second at 4-6 years of age.

  • Flu Vaccine

The flu vaccine, also known as the influenza vaccine, is a vaccine that helps protect against the influenza virus. The flu is a highly contagious viral infection that can cause severe respiratory illness, especially in young children, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems.

The flu vaccine is usually given annually, as the circulating strains of the virus can change from year to year. The vaccine is typically recommended for everyone over six months, especially those at higher risk of complications from the flu.

The flu vaccine is generally safe and well-tolerated, with mild side effects such as soreness at the injection site, fever, and fatigue being the most common. Serious side effects are rare.

  • Thyroid Conjunctive Vaccine

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by the salmonella typhi bacteria. It is typically transmitted through contaminated food and water and can cause high fever, headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. It can cause complications such as intestinal perforation and even death in severe cases.

The Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine (TCV) is a vaccine that helps protect against typhoid fever. It stimulates the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that can recognize and fight the bacteria that cause typhoid fever.

The TCV is usually given in a series of two doses, with the first given at nine months of age or older and the second given at least six months after the first dose. The vaccine is highly effective, with studies showing it can protect against typhoid fever for up to three years after vaccination.

Baby vaccination for the age group of 6 to 12 years includes the below-mentioned vaccines:-

  • DTap Booster
  • MMR booster
  • Human Papillomavirus
  • Meningococcal Vaccine
  • Hepatitis A & B vaccines
  • Typhoid Vaccine   

Baby vaccination is essential for vulnerable kids’ immune systems. So to avoid missing the right time for a baby’s vaccination, visit Dr. Promilla Butani, the best child specialist doctor in South Delhi

Child Diarrhoea – Causes, Treatment & Baby Vaccination

Diarrhoea is a common condition characterised by frequent, loose, watery bowel movements. It occurs when there is an increase in the frequency and volume of bowel movements, leading to an excessive loss of water and electrolytes from the body. This condition becomes worse in infants. 

In this article, Dr. Promilla Butani discusses the diarrhoeal cause, symptoms, treatment and immunity booster for babies. So learn about infant immunisation and the role of a baby vaccination clinic in South Delhi

Cause of Baby Diarrhoea

Baby diarrhoea can be caused by various factors, such as food allergies or intolerances and other underlying health conditions. But, viral or bacterial infections caused by Rotavirus are the most common reason for diarrhoeal disease in toddlers. 


Rotavirus is a common virus that causes severe diarrhoea, vomiting, and fever in young children, particularly those under the age of 5. It is highly contagious and spreads quickly through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects or through close contact with an infected person.

Symptoms of Diarrhoea in Infant

Rotavirus infects the cells lining the small intestine, leading to inflammation and damage to the gut lining. This results in the loss of fluids and electrolytes, leading to dehydration, particularly in young children. Some standard alarms for parents about their baby’s conditions are underneath:-

  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Dry mouth
  • Sunken eye
  • Sunken Fontanelle
  • Loose motions
  • Abdominal discomfort

Diarrhoea creates nutritional deficiency; hence the baby starts losing weight. Weakness makes the baby sleepy, angered and irritable; Diarrhoeal condition also impacts the toddler’s overall growth. Therefore, Paediatrician Doctors in Delhi prescribe keeping the kid hydrated.   

Treatment of Baby Diarrhoea

Toddlers and young children are vulnerable; hence, parents must take good care of them. But immediate consultation with the best paediatrician becomes essential whenever they experience their kids’ abdominal discomfort or any sign of the symptoms mentioned above. A general paediatrician in Delhi carefully examines the kid’s discomfort, diagnoses the exact cause and disease, and prescribes the treatment.

Treatment for baby diarrhoea typically involves rehydration with fluids and electrolytes, such as oral rehydration solutions. Infants may also need to avoid certain foods and drinks until their digestive system recovers. In severe cases, medical attention may be necessary to prevent complications and address any underlying causes of the diarrhoea.

Baby vaccination for diarrhoea

Viral infections in babies are common, and rotavirus can create potentially life-threatening complications. But thankfully, there is a safe and effective vaccine available to prevent rotavirus infection in infants. The vaccine is usually given orally in two or three doses and is crucial to routine immunisation programs in Delhi.

There are two types of rotavirus vaccines used at the Baby Vaccination Clinic in Delhi – 

  1. Rotavirus vaccine-1 (Rotarix) 
  2. Rotavirus vaccine-2 (RotaTeq

Rotarix is a two-dose vaccine given orally to infants at 6 and 10 weeks of age. It contains a live attenuated strain of the virus and protects against the most common rotavirus strains. 

On the other hand, RotaTeq is a three-dose vaccine given orally at 6, 10, and 14 weeks of age. It contains a combination of five live attenuated strains of the virus and offers broader protection against different rotavirus strains. 

Both vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe rotavirus disease and are recommended by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics. The vaccine works by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies that target the virus, thereby preventing infection and reducing the severity of symptoms if the illness does occur.

Benefits of Rotavirus baby Vaccination

Rotavirus vaccination has proven to be highly effective in preventing severe cases of illness. The benefits of rotavirus vaccination include:- 

  • A significant reduction in the incidence of severe diarrhoea and hospitalisation due to rotavirus infection. 
  • Vaccination can reduce the burden on healthcare systems and decrease the costs associated with treating severe rotavirus infections. 
  • Vaccinated children are less likely to spread the virus to others, which can help protect vulnerable populations who may not be able to receive the vaccine.
  • Rotavirus vaccination is a safe and effective way to protect young children from a potentially serious illness.

Side-effects of Rotavirus vaccination

Rotavirus vaccination is generally safe and well-tolerated by infants and young children. However, like all vaccines, there may be some potential side effects. The most common side effects of rotavirus vaccination are mild, including diarrhoea, vomiting, and fever. These side effects typically resolve on their own within a few days and do not require any specific treatment. In rare cases, more severe side effects, such as intussusception (a type of bowel obstruction), may occur. However, the risk of these severe side effects is extremely low, and the benefits of vaccination in preventing severe rotavirus infections far outweigh the risks. Parents should discuss any concerns about the side effects of rotavirus vaccination with their child’s pediatrician in South Delhi.

An Ideal baby for Rotavirus Baby Vaccine

The rotavirus vaccine is recommended for all infants and young children, starting at six weeks of age. The vaccine is most effective when given before the age of six months. Ideally, the vaccine should be delivered in two or three doses, depending on the type of vaccine used. The first dose should be given at six weeks of age, with subsequent doses given at four to six-week intervals. The vaccine is safe and well-tolerated by most infants and young children, and the benefits of vaccination in preventing severe rotavirus infections are significant. 

Cost of Rotavirus Baby vaccine

The cost of the rotavirus vaccine for babies in Delhi may vary depending on the hospital or clinic where it is administered. Typically, two or three doses of the vaccine are required to complete the series, depending on the type of vaccine used. It is recommended that parents discuss the cost of the rotavirus vaccine with their child’s paediatrician to determine the most affordable and appropriate option for their family.


Babies are vulnerable; hence immunisation is necessary for their physical and mental growth. The Rotavirus vaccine plays a crucial role against viral infection. Hence, it is advisable for parents not to skip the doses. Book an appointment with Dr. Promilla Butani- the best pediatrician doctor in Delhi, for hassle-free baby vaccination.

Importance of Paediatricians in a Child’s Life

Throughout one’s lifetime, medical care has had an impact. Following a precise screening schedule with a medical expert as one age can literally save one’s life. However, regular doctor visits are also essential for children and adolescents. And they are especially important for children and adolescents.

Child care is paramount to ensure that the child is leading a healthy life from the prenatal period until adulthood. One of the things that parents do while preparing for the arrival of their baby is to look for the right healthcare provider, a medical doctor who provides their child with comprehensive care. Such a doctor who manages the behavioral, physical and mental care for children from birth to the age of 18 years is known as a pediatrician.

To ensure the child’s overall well-being, it is vital to have an 18 years long partnership between a parent or a guardian and the chosen pediatrician. One must carefully choose as the pediatrician can benefit the quality of life of the children but can also have detrimental effects on them. This article focuses on why the child needs pediatric care and how a pediatrician helps in this regard. Continue reading to know about the importance of choosing a pediatrician with the insights shared by Dr. Promilla Butani, a famous Paediatrician and Top 10 Child Specialists in South Delhi. She has more than four decades of experience as a Paediatrician and is known for her knowledge, skills, and expertise in providing the best care to children.

Role of a Pediatrician

A child must be taken multiple times to a pediatrician from 0 months to 2 years and annually from age 2 to 5 years to ensure the wellness of the child. After the child gets older than five years, an annual visit is likely to a pediatrician for health checkups. Other than these, a pediatrician is even the first doctor to consult whenever a child gets sick. While caring for the child, a pediatrician will:

  • Carry out detailed physical examinations
  • Provide recommended immunizations/ vaccinations as per their age to prevent the spread of infectious diseases later in their life
  • Provide more specialized care and close monitoring to a kid who is a premature baby or is suffering from some health condition
  • Ensure that the child is meeting developmental milestones in their growth, skills, and behavior by keeping regular track of the child in these aspects
  • Prevent, diagnose, and treat a wide range of childhood illnesses, from minor health issues to serious medical conditions, including mild to severe infections and injuries, genetic conditions, birth defects, organ dysfunction, cancer, and organ diseases
  • Inform the parent or caregiver of the child about their child’s health, nutrition, safety, and fitness needs
  • Answer the questions raised by the parent or guardian about the growth and development of their child
  • Refer the sick child to a specialist pediatrician or collaborate with the experts if the child needs extra professional care.

These roles of a pediatrician can be an eye opener for parents or guardians who don’t understand the importance of having a child specialist in the life of their children.

When to consult a pediatrician?

Soon as a pregnant woman enters her third-trimester stage of pregnancy, she must start looking for a good pediatrician. This way, the mother gives herself plenty of time to find someone she and her partner feel comfortable with. The most common reasons why parents consult a pediatrician for their child include the following:

1. First health examination of the newborn- A pediatrician does a complete evaluation of the health of the infant when he or she is in the first week of life.

2. Well-child examinations- Every year, it’s necessary for all children to visit a pediatrician to ensure their growth and development are going well. Physical measurements are taken of the children by a pediatric doctor to make sure that they are being raised healthy and strong.

3. Vaccinations- A child specialist provides immunizations to every child starting from their birth till the age of 18.

4. Ear infections- If the child is having ear pain in adjunct with an upper respiratory infection such as a common cold, often starting four or five days after the onset of their cold, it’s highly suggestive that it’s an ear infection. A pediatrician can take care of ear infections by prescribing effective antibiotics.

5. Sore throats- When a child feels a sore throat and even experiences fever and neck tenderness, it could be an indication of a bacterial infection called strep throat. A pediatrician can help diagnose and treat such child patients with antibiotics.

6. Behavioral problems- Parental care may not be enough for a child, and in some situations, pediatricians might be needed. A pediatrician can first deal with the behavior issues that arise in a child. This way, the parents will understand whether or not their child’s behavior is normal.

7. Nutritional advice- Children tend to go for taste and are known as picky eaters, which may make parents difficult to ensure that their children are having recommended daily amounts of nutrients. In such a case, a  consultation with a  pediatrician will be a great help as they offer parents personalized nutritional advice so that their children can grow healthy and strong.    

When should the parents/caregivers of a child see a pediatrician?

  • Periodic visits can be made to a pediatrician by parents and caregivers.
  • Parents and guardians have the chance to ask any queries they may have regarding their child’s health during appointments.
  • Pediatricians may administer immunizations during these appointments if necessary.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that one in six children aged from 3 to 18 years has at least one developmental or behavioral disorder.

For young children, early detection and treatment can lead to improved long-term outcomes.

A pediatrician analyses a child’s physical and emotional development during a checkup.

In addition, they may inquire about the child’s eating, sleeping, and social behaviors.

Pediatricians can inform parents if their child exhibits physical or behavioral disorder indicators.

In the first year, Dr. Promilla Butani, a senior pediatrician in Delhi, recommends that parents or caregivers must take their child to a pediatrician approximately seven times.

Children between 1 and 2 years old should see a pediatrician every three to six months. If parents or caregivers have ongoing concerns about their child’s health, they should contact their child’s pediatrician or schedule an appointment.

If a child has a temperature of 104°F (40°C) or higher, or if a fever is followed by seizures, confusion, diarrhea, frequent weeping, or difficulty breathing, they should contact the emergency department.

If a baby is younger than two months and has a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C), contact a doctor immediately.

If a parent or guardian doubts that their child is experiencing a medical emergency, they should take the youngster to the nearest emergency department.

These periodic visits to a pediatrician ensure that the child’s development is progressing normally. Asthma and scoliosis are two examples of potential health problems that might be detected early by medical practitioners. In some cases, early treatment can have a significant impact on the child’s long-term outcome. Dr. Promilla Butani is a leading consulting Pediatrician in Delhi, has been working in the field of child care since 1971 and has over more than 4 decades of experience, and has looked after more than 2 generations of children. If one wants to give their child the best care one can consult Dr. Promilla Butani to give the best care to their child or newborn.